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A Standard Solid State Pseudopotentials (SSSP) library optimized for accuracy and efficiency (Version 1.0, data download)

Gianluca Prandini1*, Antimo Marrazzo1, Ivano E. Castelli1,2, Nicolas Mounet1, Nicola Marzari1*

1 Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS), and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

2 Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark, Fysikvej 309, 2800 Kgs Lyngby, Denmark

* Corresponding authors emails:,
DOI10.24435/materialscloud:2018.0001/v1 [version v1]

Publication date: Jan 26, 2018

How to cite this record

Gianluca Prandini, Antimo Marrazzo, Ivano E. Castelli, Nicolas Mounet, Nicola Marzari, A Standard Solid State Pseudopotentials (SSSP) library optimized for accuracy and efficiency (Version 1.0, data download), Materials Cloud Archive 2018.0001/v1 (2018),


Despite the enormous success and popularity of density functional theory, systematic verification and validation studies are still very limited both in number and scope. Here, we propose a universal standard protocol to verify publicly available pseudopotential libraries, based on several independent criteria including verification against all-electron equations of state and plane-wave convergence tests for phonon frequencies, band structure, cohesive energy and pressure. Adopting these criteria we obtain two optimal pseudopotential sets, namely the Standard Solid State Pseudopotential (SSSP) efficiency and accuracy libraries, tailored for high-throughput materials screening and high-precision materials modelling. As of today, the SSSP accuracy library is the most accurate open-source pseudopotential library available. This archive entry contains the database of calculations (phonons, cohesive energy, equation of state, band structure, pressure, etc.) together with the provenance of all data and calculations as stored by AiiDA.

Materials Cloud sections using this data


File name Size Description
34.4 MiB Standard Solid State Pseudopotentials Efficiency for high-throughput materials screening v1.0.
35.0 MiB Standard Solid State Pseudopotentials Accuracy for high-throughput materials screening v1.0.
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34.4 MiB Standard Solid State Pseudopotentials Efficiency for high-throughput materials screening v1.0 (AiiDA export file).
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35.0 MiB Standard Solid State Pseudopotentials Accuracy for high-throughput materials screening v1.0 (AiiDA export file).
162.4 MiB Table with SSSP wavefunction cutoffs and duals. All the convergence plots, equations of state, eta function chessboards and band structures.
1.9 GiB Archive of AiiDA export files containing the full database and its provenance (except band structure calculations).
10.3 GiB Archive of AiiDA export files containing the band structure calculations.
3.6 KiB Information on the licensing of the pseudopotential files distributed with this entry.


Files and data are licensed under the terms of the following license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
Metadata, except for email addresses, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International license.


SSSP pseudopotentials database high-throughput library standard DFT calculations vibrational properties phonons electronic properties electronic bands cohesive energy chessboards elemental solids verification accuracy efficiency MARVEL