Yann Lorris Müller,
Anirudh Raju Natarajan
- Cluster expansions are commonly employed as surrogate models to link the electronic structure of an alloy to its finite-temperature properties. Using cluster expansions to model materials with several alloying elements is challenging due to a rapid increase in the number of fitting parameters and training set size. We introduce the embedded cluster expansion (eCE) formalism that enables the parameterization of accurate on-lattice surrogate models for alloys containing several chemical species. The eCE model simultaneously learns a low dimensional embedding of site basis functions along with the weights of an energy model. A prototypical senary alloy comprised of elements in groups 5 and 6 of the periodic table is used to demonstrate that eCE models can accurately reproduce ordering energetics of complex alloys without a significant increase in model complexity. Further, eCE models can leverage similarities between chemical elements to efficiently extrapolate into compositional ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Feb 27, 2025
Lorenzo Bastonero,
Cristiano Malica,
Eric Macke,
Marnik Bercx,
Sebastian P. Huber,
Iurii Timrov,
Nicola Marzari
- We introduce an automated, flexible framework (aiida-hubbard) to self-consistently calculate Hubbard U and V parameters from first-principles. By leveraging density-functional perturbation theory, the computation of the Hubbard parameters is efficiently parallelized using multiple concurrent and inexpensive primitive cell calculations. Furthermore, the intersite V parameters are defined on-the-fly during the iterative procedure to account for atomic relaxations and diverse coordination environments. We devise a novel, code-agnostic data structure to store Hubbard related information together with the atomistic structure, to enhance the reproducibility of Hubbard-corrected calculations. We demonstrate the scalability and reliability of the framework by computing in high-throughput fashion the self-consistent onsite U and intersite V parameters for 115 Li-containing bulk solids with up to 32 atoms in the unit cell. Our analysis of the Hubbard parameters calculated reveals a ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Feb 27, 2025
Yuqing He,
Pierre-Paul De Breuck,
Hongming Weng,
Matteo Giantomassi,
Gian-Marco Rignanese
- A dataset of 35,608 materials with their topological properties is constructed by combining the density functional theory (DFT) results of Materiae and the Topological Materials Database. Thanks to this, machine-learning approaches are developed to categorize materials into five distinct topological types, with the XGBoost model achieving an impressive 85.2% classification accuracy. By conducting generalization tests on different sub-datasets, differences are identified between the original datasets in terms of topological types, chemical elements, unknown magnetic compounds, and feature space coverage. Their impact on model performance is analyzed.
Turning to the simpler binary classification between trivial insulators and nontrivial topological materials, three different approaches are also tested. Key characteristics influencing material topology are identified, with the maximum packing efficiency and the fraction of p valence electrons being highlighted as critical features.
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Feb 26, 2025
Alberto Carta,
Iurii Timrov,
Peter Mlkvik,
Alexander Hampel,
Claude Ederer
- Several methods have been developed to improve the predictions of density functional theory (DFT) in the case of strongly correlated electron systems. Out of these approaches, DFT+U, which corresponds to a static treatment of the local interaction, and DFT combined with dynamical mean field theory (DFT+DMFT), which considers local fluctuations, have both proven incredibly valuable in tackling the description of materials with strong local electron-electron interactions. While it is in principle known that the Hartree-Fock (HF) limit of the DFT+DMFT approach should recover DFT+U, demonstrating this equivalence in practice is challenging, due to the very different ways in which the two approaches are generally implemented. In this work, we introduce a way to perform DFT+U calculations in QE using Wannier functions as calculated by Wannier90, which allows us to use the same Hubbard projector functions both in DFT+U and in DFT+DMFT. We benchmark these DFT+U calculations against ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Feb 26, 2025
Isshu Lee,
John W. Merickel,
Yugandhar Kasala Sreenivasulu,
Fei Xu,
Yalei Tang,
Joshua E. Rittenhouse,
Aleksandar Vakanski,
Rongjie Song
- The dataset contains records of Charpy V-notch impact tests of nuclear structural materials. The focus is on studying the influence of specimen dimensions and geometry on Charpy impact test properties. The dataset was created through an extensive literature review of scientific articles. The extracted data points from the literature review are organized into a tabular format database containing 4,961 test records with 55 parameters, including material type and composition, manufacturing information, irradiation conditions, specimen size and dimensions, and Charpy properties. Materials science experts conducted systematic validation checks to ensure the accuracy of the information related to material type, manufacturing processes, treatment methods, chemical composition, testing conditions, as well as other pertinent information.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Feb 26, 2025
Ardalan Hayatifar,
Simon Gravelle,
Beatriz D. Moreno,
Valerie A. Schoepfer,
Matthew B. J. Lindsay
- Interfacial processes involving metal (oxyhydr)oxide phases are important for the mobility and bioavailability of nutrients and contaminants in soils, sediments, and water. Consequently, these processes influence ecosystem health and functioning, and have shaped the biological and environmental co-evolution of Earth over geologic time. Here we employ reactive molecular dynamics simulations, supported by synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy to study the molecular-scale interfacial processes that influence surface complexation in ferrihydrite-water systems containing aqueous molybdate. We validate the utility of this approach by calculating surface complexation models directly from simulations. The reactive force-field captures the realistic dynamics of surface restructuring, surface charge equilibration, and the evolution of the interfacial water hydrogen bond network in response to adsorption and proton transfer. We find that upon hydration and adsorption, ferrihydrite restructures into ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Feb 19, 2025
Felippe Colombari,
Asdrubal Lozada-Blanco,
Weverson Gomes,
Jessica Ma,
Nicholas Kotov,
André de Moura
- We survey the different definitions of chirality and the methods that have been devised to compute chirality metrics, with emphasis on the methods that became prevalent in chemistry and materials science, the Hausdorff Chirality Measure (HCM) and the Osipov-Pickup-Dunmur (OPD) index. We also discuss the recently introduced Graph Theoretical Chirality (GTC) index, which is expected to become an alternative to the OPD index. We demonstrate how these different approaches can be applied to systems ranging from a few nanometers to micrometers and above, as long as structural information is available from either computer simulations or experimental data. These recent breakthroughs in the calculation of chirality metrics should pave the way to deepen our understanding of how primary chiral information is translated into secondary chiral properties and how these lead to applications, providing the basis for a theory of chiral nanomaterials.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Feb 19, 2025
Martin Uhrin,
Austin Zadoks,
Luca Binci,
Nicola Marzari,
Iurii Timrov
- Density-functional theory with extended Hubbard functionals (DFT+U+V) provides a robust framework to accurately describe complex materials containing transition-metal or rare-earth elements. It does so by mitigating self-interaction errors inherent to semi-local functionals which are particularly pronounced in systems with partially-filled d and f electronic states. However, achieving accuracy in this approach hinges upon the accurate determination of the on-site U and inter-site V Hubbard parameters. In practice, these are obtained either by semi-empirical tuning, requiring prior knowledge, or, more correctly, by using predictive but expensive first-principles calculations. This archive entry contains Hubbard parameters, occupation matrices and other data calculated for 28 materials and covers all steps in a self-consistent procedure where, at each step new Hubbard parameters are obtained via linear-response, a process that is repeated until the parameters no longer change. The ...
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Feb 05, 2025
Lucas Clarte,
Adrien Vandenbroucque,
Guillaume Dalle,
Bruno Loureiro,
Florent Krzakala,
Lenka Zdeborova
- We investigate popular resampling methods for estimating the uncertainty of statistical models, such as subsampling, bootstrap and the jackknife, and their performance in high-dimensional supervised regression tasks. We provide a tight asymptotic description of the biases and variances estimated by these methods in the context of generalized linear models, such as ridge and logistic regression, taking the limit where the number of samples n and dimension d of the covariates grow at a comparable fixed rate α = n/d. Our findings are three-fold: i) resampling methods are fraught with problems in high dimensions and exhibit the double-descent-like behavior typical of these situations; ii) only when α is large enough do they provide consistent and reliable error estimations (we give convergence rates); iii) in the over-parametrized regime α < 1 relevant to modern machine learning practice, their predictions are not consistent, even with optimal regularization.
This record provides the ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 30, 2025
Mahasweta Bagchi,
Philipp Rüßmann,
Gustav Bihlmayer,
Stefan Blügel,
Yoichi Ando,
Jens Brede
- Among the family of topological superconductors derived from Bi2Se3, Cux(PbSe)5(Bi2Se3)6 is unique in its surface termination of a single quintuple layer (QL) of the topological insulator (TI) Bi2Se3 on an ordinary insulator PbSe. Here, we report a combined scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) characterization of the cleaved surface of the parent compound (PbSe)5(Bi2Se3)6 (PSBS). Interestingly, the potential disorder due to the random distribution of native defects is only Γ ∼ 4 meV, among the smallest reported for TIs. Performing high-resolution quasiparticle interference imaging (QPI) near the Fermi energy (E−EF = −1 eV to 0.6 eV) we reconstruct the dispersion relation of the dominant spectral feature and our ab initio calculations show that this surface feature originates from two bands with ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 30, 2025
Jinzhen Huang,
Erica D. Clinton,
Kenneth Crossley,
Juliana Bruneli Falqueto,
Thomas J. Schmidt,
Emiliana Fabbri
- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is the widely used technique to monitor the electrical properties of a catalyst under electrocatalytic conditions. Although it is extensively used for research in electrocatalysis, its effectiveness and power have not been fully harnessed to elucidate complex interfacial processes. Herein, we use the frequency dispersion parameter, n, which is extracted from EIS measurements, to describe the dispersion characteristics of capacitance and interfacial properties of Co3O4 under alkaline oxygen evolution reaction (OER) conditions. We first prove the n-value is sensitive to the interfacial electronic changes associated with Co redox processes and surface reconstruction. The n-value decreases by increasing the specific/active surface area of the catalysts. We further modify the interfacial properties by changing different components, i.e., replacing the proton with deuterium, adding ethanol as a new oxidant, and changing the cation in the ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 28, 2025
Jacob Holmes,
Daria Torodii,
Martins Balodis,
Manuel Cordova,
Albert Hofstetter,
Federico Paruzzo,
Sten Nilsson Lill,
Emma Eriksson,
Pierrick Berruyer,
Bruno Simões de Almeida,
Mike Quayle,
Stefan Norberg,
Anna Svensk Ankarberg,
Staffan Schantz,
Lyndon Emsley
- We determine the complete atomic-level structure of the amorphous form of the drug atuliflapon, a 5-lipooxygenase activating protein (FLAP) inhibitor, via chemical-shift-driven NMR crystallography. The ensemble of preferred structures allows us to identify a number of specific conformations and interactions that stabilize the amorphous structure. These include preferred hydrogen-bonding motifs with water and with other drug molecules, as well as conformations of the cyclohexane and pyrazole rings that stabilize structure by indirectly allowing for optimization of hydrogen bonding.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 28, 2025
Pablo G. Lustemberg,
Chengwu Yang,
Yuemin Wang,
M. Veronica Ganduglia-Pirovano,
Christof Wöll
- The mechanisms underlying the reaction between carbon monoxide (CO) and activated dioxygen on metal oxide substrates to produce CO₂ remain poorly understood, particularly regarding the role of oxygen vacancies and the nature of the activated O₂ adsorbate. In this study, we present experimental findings from infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy on a model system of bulk monocrystalline CeO₂(111). Contrary to expectations, exposing the reduced surface to dioxygen (O₂) at 80 K does not yield activated oxygen species, such as superoxo or peroxo. Notably, in the presence of adsorbed CO, an unexpected low-temperature oxidation reaction occurs, consuming CO while oxidizing the CeO₂ substrate. Since a direct reaction between impinging O₂ and adsorbed CO is unlikely at these low temperatures, a novel mechanism is proposed. Extensive spin-polarized density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that oxygen vacancies play a critical role in this low-temperature CO oxidation. ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 28, 2025
Manaswini Sahoo,
Pietro Bonfà,
Amelia Elisabeth Hall,
Daniel A. Mayoh,
Laura Teresa Corredor,
Anja U. B. Wolter,
Bernd Büchner,
Geetha Balakrishnan,
Roberto De Renzi,
Giuseppe Allodi
- The discovery of chiral helical magnetism (CHM) in Cr1/3NbS2 and the stabilization of a chiral soliton lattice (CSL) has attracted considerable interest in view of their potential technological applications. However, there is an ongoing debate regarding whether the sister compound, Mn1/3NbS2, which shares the same crystal structure, exhibits similar nontrivial properties, which rely on the stabilization of the lack of inversion symmetry at the magnetic ion. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive investigation of the magnetically ordered states of both compounds, using 53Cr, 55Mn and 93Nb nuclear magnetic resonance. Our results, supported by density functional calculations, detect in a high quality single crystal of Cr1/3NbS2 all the signatures of the monoaxial CHM in a magnetic field, identifying it as a textbook NMR case. The detailed understanding of this prototypic behavior ...
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Jan 28, 2025
Giovanni Del Monte,
Emanuela Zaccarelli
- We perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations of an ensemble of realistic microgel particles in swollen conditions in a wide range of packing fractions ζ. We compare neutral and charged microgels, where we consider charge distribution adherent to experimental conditions. Through a detailed analysis of singleparticle behavior, we are able to identify the different regimes occurring upon increasing concentration: from shrinking to deformation and interpenetration, always connecting our findings with available experimental observations. We then link these single-particle features with the collective behavior of the suspension, finding evidence of a structural reentrance that has no counterpart in the dynamics. Hence, while the maximum of the radial distribution function displays a nonmonotonic behavior with increasing ζ, the dynamics, quantified by the microgels’ mean-squared displacement, always slows down. This behavior, at odds with the simple Hertzian model, can be ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 24, 2025
Paolo Pegolo,
Enrico Drigo,
Federico Grasselli,
Stefano Baroni
- The determination of transport coefficients through the time-honoured Green-Kubo theory of linear response and equilibrium molecular dynamics requires significantly longer simulation times than those of equilibrium properties, while being further hindered by the lack of well-established data-analysis techniques to evaluate the statistical accuracy of the results. Leveraging recent advances in the spectral analysis of the current time series associated to molecular trajectories, we introduce a new method to estimate the full (diagonal as well as off-diagonal) Onsager matrix of transport coefficients from a single statistical model. This approach, based on the knowledge of the statistical distribution of the Onsager-matrix samples in the frequency domain, unifies the evaluation of diagonal (conductivities and viscosities) and off-diagonal (e.g., thermoelectric) transport coefficients within a comprehensive framework, significantly improving the reliability of transport coefficient ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 23, 2025
Chong Wang,
Zeya Li,
Yingchun Cheng,
Xiao-Ji Weng,
Yeqiang Bu,
Kun Zhai,
Tianyu Xue,
Hongtao Yuan,
Anmin Nie,
Xiang-Feng Zhou,
Hongtao Wang,
Yongjun Tian,
Zhongyuan Liu
- Superelasticity, being a reversible nonlinear strain response to stress stimuli beyond the linear elastic regime, is always associated with phase transformations in its host materials, mostly metals or polymers. Theoretical rationale indicates that inorganic materials with covalent/ionic bonding normally have large energy barriers for reversible structural transitions and thus host less opportunity to achieve superelasticity. Here, we demonstrate a directional tensile superelasticity in ceramic crystal GeSe through an unconventional reversible shuffle twinning mechanism instead of martensitic phase transition. We observed, with in-situ mechanical transmission electron microscopy, an evolution in stress‒strain curve from the linear elastic behavior to a nonlinear superelastic plateau, and confirmed that such superelasticity appears simultaneously together with the generation of stripy-shaped twin domains along orientation. Theoretical calculations revealed that the shuffle ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 23, 2025
Chenxiao Zhao,
Lin Yang,
João Henriques,
Mar Ferri-Cortés,
Gonçalo Catarina,
Carlo A. Pignedoli,
Ji Ma,
Xinliang Feng,
Pascal Ruffieux,
Joaquín Rossier,
Roman Fasel
- Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains exhibit two distinct types of excitation spectra: gapped for integer-spin chains and gapless for half-integer-spin chains. However, in finite-length half-integer-spin chains, quantization induces a gap, requiring precise control over sufficiently long chains to study its evolution. In a recent publication, we created length-controlled spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains by covalently linking olympicenes—Olympic ring-shaped magnetic nanographenes. With large exchange interactions, tunable lengths, and negligible magnetic anisotropy, this system is ideal for investigating length-dependent spin excitations, probed via inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy. We observe a power-law decay of the lowest excitation energy with length L, following a 1/L dependence in the large-L regime, consistent with theory. For L=50, a V-shaped excitation continuum confirms gapless behavior in the thermodynamic limit. Additionally, low-bias current maps reveal the standing ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 22, 2025
Jan P. Cuperus,
Arnold H. Kole,
Andrés R. Botello-Méndez,
Zeila Zanolli,
Daniel Vanmaekelbergh,
Ingmar Swart
- Magnet/superconductor hybrid systems have been put forward as a platform for realizing topological superconductivity. We investigated the heterostructure of ferromagnetic monolayer CrCl₃ and superconducting NbSe₂. Using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy, we observe topologically trivial Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states localized at the edge of CrCl₃ islands. DFT simulations reveal that the Cr atoms at the edge have an enhanced d-orbital DOS close to the Fermi energy. This leads to an exchange coupling between these atoms and the substrate that rationalizes the edge-localization of the YSR states.
This dataset contains the first-principles calculations performed on a nanoribbon of CrCl₃ on NbSe₂ and the associated notebooks used to generate figures from this data.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 22, 2025
Guodong Zou,
Jinming Wang,
Yong Sun,
Weihao Yang,
Tingting Niu,
Jinyu Li,
Liqun Ren,
Zhi Wei Seh,
Qiuming Peng
- Sodium (Na) metal batteries are considered promising solutions for next-generation electrochemical energy storage because of their low costs and high energy densities. However, the slow Na dynamics result in unfavourable Na deposition and dendrite growth, which compromise cycling performance. Here we propose a nanotwinned alloy strategy prepared by high-pressure solid solution followed by Joule-heating treatment to address sluggish Na dynamics, achieving homogeneous Na deposition. By employing cost-effective Al-Si alloys for validation, Si solubility of 10 wt.% is extended through a high-pressure solid solution, and nanotwinned-Si particles, with a volume fraction of 82.7%, are subsequently formed through Joule-heating treatment. The sodiophilic nanotwinned-Si sites exhibit a high diffusion rate, which reduces the nondimensional electrochemical Damköhler number to far below 1, shifting the diffusion-controlled deposition behavior to reaction-controlled deposition. This transition ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 16, 2025
Andrew Burgess,
Edward Linscott,
David O'Regan
- The piecewise linearity condition on the total energy with respect to the total magnetization of finite quantum systems is derived using the infinite-separation-limit technique. This generalizes the well-known constancy condition, related to static correlation error, in approximate density functional theory. The magnetic analog of Koopmans’ theorem in density functional theory is also derived. Moving to fractional electron count, the tilted-plane condition is derived, lifting certain assumptions in previous works. This generalization of the flat-plane condition characterizes the total energy surface of a finite system for all values of electron count N and magnetization M. This result is used in combination with tabulated spectroscopic data to show the flat-plane structure of the oxygen atom, among others. We find that derivative discontinuities with respect to electron count sometimes occur at noninteger values. A diverse set of tilted-plane structures is shown to occur in ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 16, 2025
Robin Löfgren,
Kostiantyn Sopiha,
Sven Öberg,
Andreas Larsson
- To investigate charged defects in gapped materials by first-principles calculations, they must be charged by either adding/removing electrons or compensating donors/acceptors. The former approach is more common, but it is not without drawbacks. We tested the latter method for a collection of model systems consisting of charge-compensated point defects in diamond (NV/SiV-centers, substitutional nitrogen/phosphorous/oxygen/sulfur donors, and substitutional boron/beryllium acceptors), comparing the geometrical and electronic properties of the compensated defect pairs with those of the individual defects in charged supercells. We find that the charging by explicit donors/acceptors works well and can be advantageous if properly designed, although interpretation of the results can be challenging. In this archive, we share the final optimized geometries of all studied structural models (in CIF format).
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 16, 2025
Leonardo Severini,
Letizia Tavagnacco,
Simona Sennato,
Erika Celi,
Ester Chiessi,
Claudia Mazzuca,
Emanuela Zaccarelli
- Polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs), formed via the self-assembly of oppositely charged polysaccharides, are highly valued for their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and hydrophilicity, offering significant potential for biotechnological applications. However, the complex nature and lack of insight at a molecular level into polyelectrolytes conformation and aggregation often hinders the possibility of achieving an optimal control of PEC systems, limiting their practical applications. To address this problem, an in-depth investigation of PECs microscopic structural organization is required. In this work, for the first time, a hybrid approach that combines experimental techniques with atomistic molecular dynamics simulations is used to elucidate, at a molecular level, the mechanisms underlying the aggregation and structural organization of complexes formed by gellan and chitosan, i.e. PECs commonly used in food technology. This combined analysis reveals a two-step complexation ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 16, 2025
Mohamed S. Abdallah,
Alfredo Pasquarello
- Using vertex-corrected quasiparticle self-consistent GW schemes, we address the electronic structure of two manganese dioxide polymorphs, α-MnO₂ and β-MnO₂. In particular, we determine the fundamental band gaps, the macroscopic dielectric constants, the magnetic moments of the Mn atoms, the band structures and the associated densities of states. Additionally, we obtain the imaginary component of the dielectric function ε₂(𝜔) from the solution of the Bethe–Salpeter equation. For β-MnO₂, we record overall good agreement when comparing the density of states with XPS/BIS spectra and the dielectric function ε₂(𝜔) with optical response spectra. Applied to α-MnO₂, whose pristine bulk structure is poorly characterized, our work provides a prediction at the same level of theory. The quality of the achieved description is further supported by comparisons with experimental spectra of nanostructured and doped variants. This study demonstrates that state-of the-art GW methods successfully ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 14, 2025
John Ingall,
Edward Linscott,
Nicola Colonna,
Alister Page,
Vicki Keast
- Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) demonstrate an exceptional combination of properties. Rapid progress has extended their application beyond solar cells, light-emitting diodes, photodetectors, and lasers to include memristors, artificial synapse devices, and pressure induced emission. In particular, the vacancy-ordered double perovskite Cs₂TiBr₆ has been identified as a promising material. The effective characterization of MHPs requires accurate and efficient methods for the calculation of electronic structure. Koopmans compliant (KC) functionals are an accurate and computationally efficient alternative to many-body perturbation theory using the GW approximation but have yet only been validated on a small number of simple materials. In this work, KC functionals were applied to the more complex case of Cs₂TiBr₆ and gave a zero-temperature fundamental gap of 4.28 eV, in close agreement with the value of 4.44 eV obtained using the accurate, but more computationally expensive, evGW₀ ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 14, 2025
Kamil Iwanowski,
Gábor Csányi,
Michele Simoncelli
- Understanding how the vibrational and thermal properties of solids are influenced by atomistic structural disorder is of fundamental scientific interest, and paramount to designing materials for next-generation energy technologies. While several studies indicate that structural disorder strongly influences the thermal conductivity, the fundamental physics governing the disorder-conductivity relation remains elusive. Here we show that order-of-magnitude, disorder-induced variations of conductivity in network solids can be predicted from a bond-network entropy, an atomistic structural descriptor that quantifies heterogeneity in the topology of the atomic-bond network. We employ the Wigner formulation of thermal transport to demonstrate the existence of a relation between the bond-network entropy, and observables such as smoothness of the vibrational density of states (VDOS) and macroscopic conductivity. We also show that the smoothing of the VDOS encodes information about the ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 12, 2025
Rowan R. Katzbaer,
Simon Gelin,
Monica J. Theibault,
Mohammed M. Khan,
Cierra Chandler,
Nicola Colonna,
Zhiqiang Mao,
Héctor D. Abruña,
Ismaila Dabo,
Raymond E. Schaak
- Materials that efficiently promote the thermodynamically uphill water-splitting reaction under solar illumination are essential for generating carbon-free (“green”) hydrogen. Mapping out the combinatorial space of potential photocatalysts for this reaction can be expedited using data-intensive materials exploration. The calculated band gaps and band alignments can serve as key indicators and metrics to computationally screen photoactive materials. Ternary main-group metal sulfides containing p- and s-block elements represent a promising, albeit underexplored, class of photocatalysts. Here, we computationally screen 86 candidate ternary main-group metal sulfides containing p- and s-block elements. By validating electronic structure predictions against experimental band gaps and band edges for synthetically accessible materials, we propose eight potential photocatalysts. Using computed Pourbaix diagrams, we further narrowed the candidate pool to four materials based on the predicted ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 10, 2025
Brenda de Souza Ferrari,
Ronaldo Giro,
Mathias B. Steiner
- Polymers are versatile materials with a wide range of applications. The improvement of polymer properties rises the importance on the way that the repeating units are connected (head-to-tail,head-to-head,tail-to-tail) to build the polymer structure since it directly influences the morphology, chain topology and consequently its properties. Artificial intelligence (AI) based approaches are beginning to impact several domains of human life, science and technology. Polymer informatics is one such domain where AI and machine learning (ML) tools are being used in the efficient development, design and discovery of polymer. One key enabling factor for the essential foundations for Polymer Informatics is the machine-readable polymer representation. Polymer have been represented in a string format with special characters used to tag the head and tail positions indicating where the linking bond happens between repeat units. Available tools to assign the head and tail position limits its ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 10, 2025
Nestor Merino-Diez,
Raymond Amador,
Samuel T. Stolz,
Daniele Passerone,
Roland Widmer,
Oliver Gröning
- Homogenous enantioselective catalysis is nowadays the cornerstone in the manufacturing of enantiopure substances, but its technological implementation suffers from well-known impediments like the lack of endurable catalysts exhibiting long-term stability. The catalytically active intermetallic compound Palladium-Gallium (PdGa), conserving innate bulk chirality on its surfaces, represent a promising system to study asymmetric chemical reactions by heterogeneous catalysis, with prospective relevance for industrial processes. In a recent publication we investigate the adsorption of 10,10′-dibromo-9,9′-bianthracene (DBBA) on the PdGa:A(-1-1-1) Pd3-terminated surface by means of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). A highly enantioselective adsorption of the molecule evolving into a near 100% enantiomeric excess below room temperature is observed. This exceptionally high enantiomeric excess is attributed to temperature activated conversion of the S to the R ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 09, 2025
Mickael L. Perrin,
Anooja Jayaraj,
Bhaskar Ghawri,
Kenji Watanabe,
Takashi Taniguchi,
Daniele Passerone,
Michel Calame,
Jian Zhang
- Twisted van der Waals heterostructures have recently emerged as a versatile platform for engineering interaction-driven, topological phenomena with a high degree of control and tunability. Since the initial discovery of correlated phases in twisted bilayer graphene, a wide range of moiré materials have emerged with fascinating electronic properties. While the field of twistronics has rapidly evolved and now includes a range of multi-layered systems, moiré systems comprised of double trilayer graphene remain elusive. Here, we report electrical transport measurements combined with tight-binding calculations in twisted double trilayer graphene (TDTLG). We demonstrate that small-angle TDTLG (~1.7−2.0ᵒ) exhibits an intrinsic bandgap at the charge neutrality point. Moreover, by tuning the displacement field, we observe a continuous insulator-semimetal-insulator transition at the CNP, which is also captured by tight-binding calculations. These results establish TDTLG systems as a highly ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 08, 2025
Sylvian Cadars,
Olivier Masson,
Jean-Paul Laval,
Firas E. Shuaib,
Gaelle Delaizir,
Andrea Piarristeguy,
Assil Bouzid
- A semi-automated protocol largely based on AiiDA has been developed and exploited to explore the yet-unsolved crystal structure of the recently-discovered AsTe₃ material with potential thermoelectric applications due to its ultralow thermal conductivity. The workflow involves different steps of increasing precision and computational cost, in a sequential approach to generate, refine and evaluate model AsTe₃ structures based on supercells of elemental-Te from the stand point of As/Te chemical disorder. Our studies shed light on the structural complexity that has prevented, to this day, a direct structure determination of the recently-discovered crystalline AsTe₃ material, despite the new synthesis protocol that has led to its obtention in a pure and fully crystalline phase, by congruent crystallization from the parent AsTe₃ glass. Structural models of crystalline AsTe₃ reveal a composition based on an intergrowth of subnanometric As₂Te₃ and Te domains with potentially defected ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 07, 2025
Wei Bin How,
Sanggyu Chong,
Federico Grasselli,
Kevin K. Huguenin-Dumittan,
Michele Ceriotti
- The electronic density of states (DOS) provides information regarding the distribution of electronic energy levels in a material, and can be used to approximate its optical and electronic properties and therefore guide computational material design. Given its usefulness and relative simplicity, it has been one of the first electronic properties used as target for machine-learning approaches going beyond interatomic potentials. A subtle but important point, well-appreciated in the condensed matter community but usually overlooked in the construction of data-driven models, is that for bulk configurations the absolute energy reference of single-particle energy levels is ill-defined. Only energy differences matter, and quantities derived from the DOS are typically independent on the absolute alignment. We introduce an adaptive scheme that optimizes the energy reference of each structure as part of the training process, and show that it consistently improves the quality of ML models ...
Latest version: v4
Publication date: Jan 07, 2025
Ruslan Mushkaev,
Francesco Petocchi,
Viktor Christiansson,
Philipp Werner
- The multi-tier GW+EDMFT scheme is an ab-initio method for calculating the electronic structure of correlated materials. While the approach is free from ad-hoc parameters, it requires a selection of appropriate energy windows for describing low-energy and strongly correlated physics. In this study, we test the consistency of the multi-tier description by considering different low-energy windows for a series of cubic SrXO₃ (X = V, Cr, Mn) perovskites. Specifically, we compare the 3-orbital t2g model, the 5-orbital t2g + eg model, the 12-orbital t2g + Op model, and (in the case of SrVO₃) the 14-orbital t2g + eg + Op model and compare the results to available photoemission and X-ray absorption measurements. The multi-tier method yields consistent results for the t2g and t2g + eg low-energy windows, while the models with Op states produce stronger ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Jan 07, 2025
Karim Elgammal,
Marc Maußner
- This dataset supports a systematic implementation of hybrid quantum-classical computational methods for investigating corrosion inhibition mechanisms on aluminum surfaces. The work presents an integrated workflow combining density functional theory (DFT) with quantum algorithms through an active space embedding scheme, specifically applied to studying 1,2,4-Triazole and 1,2,4-Triazole-3-thiol inhibitors on Al111 surfaces. The methodology employs the orb-d3-v2 machine learning potential for rapid geometry optimizations, followed by accurate DFT calculations using CP2K with PBE functional and Grimme's D3 dispersion corrections. Our implementation leverages the ADAPT-VQE quantum algorithm with benchmarking against classical DFT calculations, achieving binding energies of -0.386 eV and -1.279 eV for 1,2,4-Triazole and 1,2,4-Triazole-3-thiol, respectively.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 30, 2024
Tsuneya Yoshida,
Song-bo Zhang,
Titus Neupert
- This file contains all the data, as well as the code necessary to reproduce the exact diagonalization calculations in Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 076502 (2024) in which the phenomenon of a non-Hermitian Mott skin effect is introduced theoretically. Skin effects are a key differentiating feature of (one-dimensional) non-Hermitian systems, and are characterized by the exponential accumulation of charge towards one side of the system in all its eigenstates. It appears in noninteracting systems. This work finds a novel analogous effect which is specific to interacting quantum particles, where the particle density is constant, but a flavour/spin degree of freedom shows the exponential localization. This is demonstrated with exact diagonalization calculations of the non-Hermitian many-body Hamiltonian as well as the time-evolution of the Lindbladian.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 26, 2024
Marija Stojkovic,
Edward Linscott,
Nicola Marzari
- Photocatalytic water splitting has attracted considerable attention for renewable energy production. Since the first reported photocatalytic water splitting by titanium dioxide, this material remains one of the most promising photocatalysts, due to its suitable band gap and band-edge positions. However, predicting both of these properties is a challenging task for existing computational methods. Here we show how Koopmans spectral functionals can accurately predict the band structure and level alignment of rutile, anatase, and brookite TiO₂ using a computationally efficient workflow that only requires (a) a DFT calculation of the photocatalyst/vacuum interface and (b) a Koopmans spectral functional calculation of the bulk photocatalyst. The success of this approach for TiO₂ suggests that this strategy could be deployed for assessing the suitability of novel photocatalyst candidates.
This record contains for each polymorph: (a) a calculation of a slab; (b) KI and pKIPZ band structure calculation of the bulk system.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 23, 2024
Arnaud Lorin,
Thomas Bischoff,
Alexey Tal,
Alfredo Pasquarello
- Within many-body perturbation theory, we calculate band offsets for a set of epitaxial interfaces, including AlP/GaP, AlAs/GaAs, Ge/AlAs, Ge/GaAs, Ge/ZnSe, Si/GaP, ZnSe/GaAs, and CaF2/Si. We consider various quasiparticle self-consistent 𝐺𝑊 schemes with or without including vertex functions. In particular, we consider two types of effective vertex functions complying with the Ward identity in the long range, one of which additionally carries a short-range part, which has been found to improve ionization potentials. The obtained band offsets correspond to model interface structures that match the experimental lattice parameters of the bulk components. Strain, zero-phonon renormalization, and spin-orbit coupling effects are properly accounted for. For the band offsets of the semiconductor-semiconductor interfaces, all the self-consistent 𝐺𝑊 schemes yield similar mean absolute errors on the order of 0.2 eV. In the case of the CaF2/Si interface, the calculated band offsets show ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 20, 2024
Longze Li,
John Merickel,
Yalei Tang,
Rongjie Song,
Joshua Rittenhouse,
Aleksandar Vakanski,
Fei Xu
- The dataset provides records of tensile properties of nuclear structural materials. The focus is on studying the influence of specimen dimensions and geometry on mechanical properties such as yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, uniform elongation, and total elongation. The dataset was created through an extensive literature review of scientific articles and databases. The search inclusion criteria targeted peer-reviewed studies on tensile testing of sub-sized specimens, providing quantitative data on tensile properties relative to specimen size. The extracted data points from the literature review were organized into a tabular format database containing 1,070 tensile testing records with 54 parameters, including material type and composition, manufacturing information, irradiation conditions, specimen size and dimensions, and tensile properties. Materials science experts conducted systematic checks to validate the collected data, ensuring accuracy in the material type, ...
Latest version: v3
Publication date: Dec 20, 2024
Isshu Lee,
John W. Merickel,
Yugandhar Kasala Sreenivasulu,
Fei Xu,
Yalei Tang,
Joshua E. Rittenhouse,
Aleksandar Vakanski,
Rongjie Song
- The dataset contains records of Charpy V-notch impact tests of nuclear structural materials. The focus is on studying the influence of specimen dimensions and geometry on Charpy impact test properties. The dataset was created through an extensive literature review of scientific articles. The extracted data points from the literature review are organized into a tabular format database containing 4,775 test records with 55 parameters, including material type and composition, manufacturing information, irradiation conditions, specimen size and dimensions, and Charpy properties. Materials science experts conducted systematic validation checks to ensure the accuracy of the information related to material type, manufacturing processes, treatment methods, chemical composition, testing conditions, as well as other pertinent information.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 19, 2024
Tao Zhang,
Qingyi Liu,
Haoming Bao,
Mingyue Wang,
Nana Wang,
Bao Zhang,
Hong Jin Fan
- Here, we develop a self-assembly technique to synthesize 1-nm-thick rutile-structured high-entropy oxides (RuIrFeCoCrO₂) from naked metal ions assembly and oxidation at air-molten salt interface. The RuIrFeCoCrO₂ only requires an overpotential of 185 mV at 10 m A cm⁻² and maintains the high activity for over 1000 hours in an acidic electrolyte via the adsorption evolution mechanism. In this dataset, we calculated the desolvation coefficient (D) of various cations in aqueous solution and molten salt. In molten salt, the corresponding D for metal ions is higher by several orders of magnitude compared to that in water, which allows metal ions to become freely moving ions. We also conducted DFT calculations to gain insight to the structural stability and reaction mechanism of this HEO. The results show that the reaction mechanism changes from LOM (RuO₂) to AEM (RuIrFeCoCrO₂).
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 18, 2024
Sara Marchio,
Francesco Buonocore,
Simone Giusepponi,
Massimo Celino
- Functionalizing Silicon Nanowires (SiNWs) through covalent attachment of organic molecules offers diverse advantages, including surface passivation, introduction of new functionalities, and enhanced material performance in applications like electronic devices and biosensors. Given the wide range of available functional molecules, systematic large-scale screening is crucial. Therefore, we developed an automated computational workflow using Python scripts in conjunction with the AiiDa framework to explore structural configurations of functional molecules adsorbed onto silicon surfaces. This workflow generates multiple adhesion configurations corresponding to different binding orientations using surface and functional molecule structures as inputs.
This dataset contains data related to the structural optimization of molecules with single, double, and triple carbon-carbon bonds attached to the nanowire surface in various adhesion configurations. We describe the chemisorption on ...
Latest version: v3
Publication date: Dec 18, 2024
Jiaqi Zhou,
Samuel Poncé,
Jean-Christophe Charlier
- Spin Hall effect (SHE) in two-dimensional (2D) materials is promising to effectively manipulate spin angular momentum and identify topological properties. In this work, we implemented an automated Wannierization with spin-orbit coupling on 426 non-magnetic monolayers including 210 metal and 216 insulators. Intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (SHC) has been calculated to find candidates exhibiting novel properties. We discover that Y₂C₂I₂ has an unconventional SHE with canted spin due to low crystal symmetry, Ta₄Se₂ is a metallic monolayer with exceptionally high SHC, and the semi-metal Y₂Br₂ possesses efficient charge-to-spin conversion induced by anti-crossing in bands. Moreover, quantum spin Hall insulators are investigated for quantized SHC. The present work provides a high-quality Wannier Hamiltonian database of 2D materials, and paves the way for the integration of 2D materials into high-performance and low-power-consumption spintronic devices.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 18, 2024
Lars Bilke,
Thomas Fischer,
Tobias Meisel,
Dmitri Naumov
- Reproducibility in running scientific simulations on high-performance computing (HPC) environments is a persistent challenge due to variations in software and hardware stacks. Differences in software versions or hardware-specific optimizations often lead to discrepancies in simulation outputs. While Linux containers are commonly used to standardize software environments, tools like Docker lack reproducibility in image creation, requiring archiving of binary image blobs for future use. This method turns containers into black boxes, preventing verification of how the contained software was built.
In the linked paper, we demonstrate how we use GNU Guix to create our software stack bit-by-bit reproducible from a source bootstrap. Our approach incorporates a portable OpenMPI implementation, optimized software builds, and deployment via Apptainer images across three HPC environments. We show that our reproducible software stack facilitates consistent multi-physics simulations and ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 17, 2024
Bao Zhang,
Jia Yao,
Chao Wu,
Yuanjian Li,
Jia Liu,
Jiaqi Wang,
Tao Xiao,
Tao Zhang,
Daqian Cai,
Jiawen Wu,
Zhi Wei Seh,
Shibo Xi,
Hao Wang,
Wei Sun,
Houzhao Wan,
Hong Jin Fan
- Here we present an on-demand strategy for electrolytes design to surpass 99.9% Coulombic efficiency (CE) in zinc metal anode. This strategy synergizes various effects by specifically targeting the two critical factors: plating morphology and the anode-electrolyte interface. In this dataset, we simulated the solvation structures and bilayer structures of various electrolytes by molecular dynamics simulations. We found Triethyl phosphate and dimethylformamide can induce the free-water-poor inner Helmholtz plane and reduce the interfacial water activity. Furthermore, the MD results imply that the dual-salt introduces more anions into the Zn2+ primary solvation sheath, and the DMF co-solvent is also able to enter the solvation sheath.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 13, 2024
Kai Wu,
Yingzhou Li,
Wentiao Wu,
Lin Lin,
Wei Hu,
Jinlong Yang
- Electronic band structures is a cornerstone of condensed matter physics and materials science. Conventional methods like Wannier interpolation (WI), which are commonly used to interpolate band structures onto dense k-point grids, often encounter difficulties with complex systems, such as those involving entangled bands or topological obstructions. In this work, we introduce the Hamiltonian transformation (HT) method, a novel framework that directly enhances interpolation accuracy by localizing the Hamiltonian. Using a pre-optimized transformation, HT produces a far more localized Hamiltonian than WI, achieving up to two orders of magnitude greater accuracy for entangled bands. Although HT utilizes a slightly larger, nonlocal numerical basis set, its construction is rapid and requires no optimization, resulting in significant computational speedups. These features make HT a more precise, efficient, and robust alternative to WI for band structure interpolation, as further verified by high-throughput calculations.
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Dec 13, 2024
Giorgio Palermo,
Stefano Falletta,
Alfredo Pasquarello
- This dataset contains the optimized structures of hole polarons in anatase and rutile TiO₂, calculated using the DFT+U and PBE0(α) functionals, with parameters tuned to satisfy the piecewise linearity condition. It also includes hole polaron migration paths in anatase and rutile, optimized using the nudged elastic band method at the DFT+U level. Additionally, pristine TiO₂ structures and an example input file for Quantum ESPRESSO are provided.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 12, 2024
Iryna Stepanenko,
Zhishuo Huang,
Liviu Ungur,
Dimitrios Bessas,
Aleksandr Chumakov,
Ilya Sergueev,
Gabriel E. Büchel,
Abdullah A. Al-Kahtani,
Liviu F. Chibotaru,
Joshua Telser,
Vladimir B. Arion
- Osmium complexes with osmium in different oxidation states (II, III, IV, VI) have been reported to exhibit antiproliferative activity in cancer cell lines. Herein, we demonstrate unexplored opportunities offered by 187Os nuclear forward scattering (NFS) and nuclear inelastic scattering (NIS) of synchrotron radiation for characterization of hyperfine interactions and lattice dynamics in a benchmark Os(VI) complex, K₂[OsO₂(OH)₄]. The isomer shift (𝛿 = 3.3(1) mm/s) relative to [OsIVCl₆]2– and quadrupole splitting (𝚫EQ = 12.0(2) mm/s) were determined with NFS. The Lamb-Mössbauer factor (0.80(4)) is estimated, the density of phonon states (DOS) is extracted, and a thermodynamics characterization was carried out using the NIS data combined with first principles calculations. Overall, this study provides evidence that 187Os nuclear resonance scattering is a reliable technique for the investigation of hyperfine interactions and Os ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 10, 2024
David Antognini Silva,
Yu Wang,
Nicolae Atodiresei,
Felix Friedrich,
Stefan Blügel,
Matthias Bode,
Philipp Rüßmann,
Artem Odobesko
- Our study reveals how Gd adatoms and dimers on a superconducting Nb(110) surface induce Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states, offering valuable insights into magnetic interactions of rare-earth atoms on superconducting surfaces. By engineering Gd dimers along the [1-10] and [001] directions, we uncover an indirect coupling between the Gd magnetic moments and the Nb substrate via their valence d electrons, leading to significant alterations in the YSR spectrum around the dimers. We further demonstrate the possibility for Néel-type spin-spiral ground states in chains of Gd atoms on Nb(110). These findings highlight the potential of 4f elements like Gd as a promising platform for controlling a spin-spiral ground state, a crucial prerequisite for realizing a topological superconductor that can host Majorana zero modes. The combination of theoretical modeling based on density functional theory, atomistic spin-dynamics simulations and experimental techniques, including scanning tunneling ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 09, 2024
Dario Baratella,
Omar Abou El Kheir,
Marco Bernasconi
- A machine-learned interatomic potential for Ge-rich GexTe alloys has been developed aiming at uncovering the kinetics of phase separation and crystallization in these materials. The results are of interest for the operation of embedded phase change memories which exploits Ge-enrichment of GeSbTe alloys to raise the crystallization temperature. The potential is generated by fitting a large database of energies and forces computed within Density Functional Theory with the neural network scheme implemented in the DeePMD-kit package. The potential is highly accurate and suitable to describe the structural and dynamical properties of the liquid, amorphous and crystalline phases of the wide range of compositions from pure Ge and stoichiometric GeTe to the Ge-rich Ge₂Te alloy. Large scale molecular dynamics simulations revealed a crystallization mechanism which depends on temperature. At 600 K, segregation of most of Ge in excess was observed to occur on the ns time scale ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 09, 2024
Jan-Robert Vogt,
Jan Wilhelm,
Huayna Terraschke,
Norbert Stock,
Anna-Sophia Hehn
- A comprehensive description of photo-chemical processes in materials, comprising spin-forbidden processes such as intersystem crossing and phosphorescence, implies to take into account spin-orbit coupling. We present an efficient implementation of a perturbative spin-orbit coupling correction for the Tamm-Dancoff approximation of linear-response time-dependent density functional theory within a mixed Gaussian and plane waves framework relying on spin-orbit coupling corrected pseudopotentials. The implementation is validated for a benchmark set of small aromatic molecules, with mean errors in excitation energies and spin-orbit coupling matrix elements being in the range of 0.1 - 0.6 eV and 1.0 to 13.8 cm⁻¹ in comparison to density functional theory and density functional theory multi-reference configuration interaction reference results. Computational timings are given for a bismuth-containing metal-organic framework.
The data in this record are supplementary data to the manuscript linked below.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 09, 2024
Vishwas Patel,
Dhritiman Gupta
- Tandem solar cells are highly promising photovoltaic device that can potentially beat the maximum power conversion efficiency achieved so far in a single junction silicon solar cell by mitigating both the thermalization and transmission losses commonly encountered in a single junction solar cell. Among several different components of a tandem solar cell, hole-transport layer (HTL) plays an important role. Present day state of the art HTL layers are limited in number and sometimes highly expensive. In this work, we explore the feasibility of using electrodeposited Cu₂O and mixed phase (Cu₂O+CuO) Cu-O film as HTL in all-perovskite tandem solar cells and a detail optical, compositional and morphological analysis was performed. To access its performance as HTL in tandem devices, here we adapted an optoelectronic simulation approach using SCAPS-1D software tool and transfer matrix simulation routine where the parameters were either measured experimentally or carefully optimized to ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 09, 2024
Minai Zhang,
Jierui Xue,
Zhuolun Han,
Yan Wang,
Yizhang Guan,
Chee-Keong Tan
- The process of catalytically oxidizing carbon monoxide (CO) remains a critical issue across various industrial sectors. However, it continues to be a challenge to achieve effective CO oxidation at low temperatures using non-noble metal catalysts. This study addresses these gaps by investigating the effects of dilute gallium (Ga) doping on the catalytic performance of flower-like ceria (CeO₂) microspheres. By using a modified hydrothermal synthesis method, we prepared the Ga-doped CeO₂ microspheres and characterized their morphology, surface area, and evidence of oxygen vacancy through various experimental techniques as well as computational simulation method. Our findings disclosed that the incorporation of Ga significantly enhances the catalytic performance of CeO₂, with the optimal doping level (2 mol% Ga) achieving a 90% CO conversion temperature (T90) of 388.9 °C, obviously lower than that of pristine CeO₂ (488.5 °C). This work demonstrates that dilute Ga doping effectively ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 09, 2024
Khanh Dang,
Sumit Suresh,
Avanish Mishra,
Ian Chesser,
Nithin Matthew,
Edward Kober,
Saryu Fensin
- Dislocation-grain boundary play a major role in the strength and ductility of structural materials. An understanding of governing parameters such as grain boundary local atomic structures on the outcome of this interaction can accelerate new alloy design strategies that tailors materials’ microstructures. Previous studies have focused only on the subset of minimum-energy grain boundary structures. We present a comprehensive database of dislocation-grain boundary interaction for edge, screw, and 60o mixed dislocation with 449 < 110 > and < 112 > symmetric tilt grain boundary in FCC Cu consisting of 67 minimum-energy grain boundary structures and 389 metastable ones. The dataset contains the outcomes for 5593 unique interactions with a particular dislocation type, grain boundary structure, and applied shear stress.
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Dec 06, 2024
Nicolo' Bassi,
Xiushang Xu,
Feifei Xiang,
Nils Krane,
Carlo A. Pignedoli,
Akimitsu Narita,
Roman Fasel,
Pascal Ruffieux
- Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), nanometer-wide strips of graphene, have garnered significant attention due to their tunable electronic and magnetic properties arising from quantum confinement. A promising approach to manipulate their electronic characteristics involves substituting carbon with heteroatoms, such as nitrogen, with different effects predicted depending on their position. In a recent publication, we present the extension of the edges of 7-atom-wide armchair graphene nanoribbons (7-AGNRs) with pyridine rings, achieved on a Au(111) surface via on-surface synthesis. High-resolution structural characterization confirms the targeted structure, showcasing the pre-dominant formation of carbon-nitrogen (C-N) bonds (over 90% of the units) during growth. This favored bond formation pathway is elucidated and confirmed through density functional theory (DFT) simulations. Furthermore, an analysis of the electronic properties reveals a reduction of the band gap of the GNR, accompanied ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Dec 06, 2024
Cristiano Malica,
Nicola Marzari
- The accurate description of redox reactions remains a challenge for first-principles calculations, but it has been shown that extended Hubbard functionals (DFT+U+V) can provide a reliable approach, mitigating self-interaction errors, in materials with strongly localized d or f electrons. Here, we first show that DFT+U+V molecular dynamics is capable to follow the adiabatic evolution of oxidation states over time, using representative Li-ion cathode materials. In turn, this allows to develop redox-aware machine-learned potentials. We show that considering atoms with different oxidation states (as accurately predicted by DFT+U+V) as distinct species in the training leads to potentials that are able to identify the correct ground state and pattern of oxidation states for redox elements present. This is achieved, e.g., trough a combinatorial search for the lowest energy configuration. This brings the advantages of machine-learned potential to key technological applications (e.g., ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Nov 29, 2024
Yosuke Isoda,
Thanh Ngoc Pham,
Ryotaro Aso,
Shuri Nakamizo,
Takuya Majima,
Saburo Hosokawa,
Kiyofumi Nitta,
Yoshitada Morikawa,
Yuichi Shimakawa,
Daisuke Kan
- Promoting hydrogen (H) insertion into and extraction from metal oxides plays a crucial role in tuning their properties. In our recent work, we found that the oxygen vacancy ordering in Sr(Fe,Co)Oy (SFCO) thin films can be stabilized by increasing the Co content and revealed that this stabilization is key to promoting the H insertion into SFCO oxides. This archive provides the computational inputs and crystal structures to elucidate the energies of oxygen reduction and hydrogen insertion reactions for SFCO perovskite oxides.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Nov 28, 2024
Gonçalo Catarina,
Elia Turco,
Nils Krane,
Max Bommert,
Andres Ortega-Guerrero,
Oliver Gröning,
Pascal Ruffieux,
Roman Fasel,
Carlo A. Pignedoli
- Phenalenyl (C₁₃H₉) is an open-shell spin-1/2 nanographene. Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS), covalently-bonded phenalenyl dimers have been shown to feature conductance steps associated with singlet-triplet excitations of a spin-1/2 dimer with antiferromagnetic exchange. In a recent work, we address the possibility of tuning the magnitude of the exchange interactions by varying the dihedral angle between the two molecules within a dimer. Theoretical methods, ranging from density functional theory calculations to many-body model Hamiltonians solved within different levels of approximation, are used to explain STM-IETS measurements of twisted phenalenyl dimers on a h-BN/Rh(111) surface. By means of first-principles calculations, we also propose strategies to induce sizable twist angles in surface-adsorbed phenalenyl dimers via functional groups, including a photoswitchable scheme. This record contains data that support the results discussed in the manuscript.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Nov 26, 2024
Wei Tian,
Chenyu Wang,
Ke Zhou
- Comprehending water dynamics is crucial in various fields such as water desalination, ion separation, electrocatalysis, and biochemical processes. While ab-initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) accurately portray water’s structure, computing its dynamic properties over nanosecond timescales proves cost-prohibitive. This study employs machine learning potentials (MLPs) to accurately determine the dynamical properties of liquid water with ab-initio accuracy. Our findings reveal diversity in the calculated diffusion coefficient (D) and viscosity of water (η) across different methodologies. Specifically, while the GGA, meta-GGA, and hybrid functional methods struggle to predict dynamic properties under ambient conditions, whereas methods on the higher level of Jacob’s ladder of DFT approximation perform significantly better. Intriguingly, we discovered that all D and η adhere to the established Stokes-Einstein (SE) relation for all the ab-initio water. The diversity observed among ...
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Nov 21, 2024
Kurt Irvin Rojas,
Yoshitada Morikawa,
Ikutaro Hamada
- Hydrogen boride (HB) sheet is a newly developed two-dimensional boron-based nanosheet. To explore its potential in electronic and catalytic applications, it's crucial to assess its chemical stability with common substances. In this study, we examine its stability in water, a substance frequently encountered in ambient conditions and various applications. Focusing on the HB sheet's edge, we utilized a nanoribbon model to observe water-edge interactions. This record includes the crystal structures optimized through first-principles calculations, which were used to analyze the properties and interactions between water and the HB sheet. Additionally, input files for system calculations are provided to facilitate reproducibility of the study's results.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Nov 20, 2024
Qianjin Lei
- The electronic behavior of AlN/GaN heterojunction is investigated at thicknesses of 1.2~4.2 nm and biaxial strain of -8%~8% based on density functional theory. The structural stability, charge distribution, electronic properties, and transport properties of the cells reveal the enhancing effects of size and strain. With the thickness decreases, the bandgap values of the cells, as low as -0.387 eV, confirm the transition in structural nature, while the individual atomic layers remain bandgaps of at least 0.3 eV in DOS. The carrier mobility enhances to 2×1012 m2/V/s. The cell with 1.2 nm thickness is weakened by 50% due to the quantum confinement effect. Under compressive strain ranging from -8% to 0%, the characteristics of heterojunctions are enhanced by an order of magnitude, in contrast, under 0%~8% tensile strain, the cells decrease slightly but for 2L cells.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Nov 20, 2024
Yannick Schubert,
Sandra Luber,
Nicola Marzari,
Edward Linscott
- Koopmans spectral functionals are a powerful extension of Kohn-Sham density-functional theory (DFT) that enable the prediction of spectral properties with state-of-the-art accuracy. The success of these functionals relies on capturing the effects of electronic screening through scalar, orbital-dependent parameters. These parameters have to be computed for every calculation, making Koopmans spectral functionals more expensive than their DFT counterparts. In this work, we present a machine-learning model that — with minimal training — can predict these screening parameters directly from orbital densities calculated at the DFT level. We show on two prototypical use cases that using the screening parameters predicted by this model, instead of those calculated from linear response, leads to orbital energies that differ by less than 20 meV on average. Since this approach dramatically reduces run-times with minimal loss of accuracy, it will enable the application of Koopmans spectral ...
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Nov 14, 2024
Penghao Xiao,
Brandon Wood
- Passivation oxide formation is the key for corrosion control of metal alloys. The kinetics of competing oxide formation and dissolution determines alloy corrosion behaviors in aqueous solution. Despite the important role of the multi-component oxide evolution, little has been known on the kinetics from the atomistic level. We have built a computational framework that enables simulations of competing kinetic processes in multi-component oxides from first principles. The effects of applied voltage, pH and temperature on oxide growth, dissolution and reprecipitation can all be captured in this model. Combining with our experimental measurements on Alloy 22 and a Ni80%-Cr20% model alloy, we identified three voltage regimes with distinct oxide thicknesses and compositions.
The oxide energetics of various stoichiometries are calculated by the density functional theory (DFT). Then the obtained data are used to train a surrogate lattice Hamiltonian with the cluster expansion (CE) ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Nov 14, 2024
Xanthe Henderike Verbeek,
David Voderholzer,
Stefan Schären,
Yannick Gachnang,
Nicola Ann Spaldin,
Sayantika Bhowal
- We show that hematite, 𝛼-Fe₂O₃, below its Morin transition, has a ferroic ordering of rank-5 magnetic triakontadipoles on the Fe ions. In the absence of spin-orbit coupling, these are the lowest-order ferroically aligned magnetic multipoles, and they give rise to the g-wave non-relativistic spin splitting in hematite. We find that the ferroically ordered magnetic triakontadipoles result from the simultaneous antiferroic ordering of the charge hexadecapoles and the magnetic dipoles, providing a route to manipulating the magnitude and the sign of the magnetic triakontadipoles as well as the spin splitting. Furthermore, we find that both the ferroic ordering of the magnetic triakontadipoles and many of the spin-split features persist in the weak ferromagnetic phase above the Morin transition temperature.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Nov 07, 2024
Debdipto Acharya,
Omar Abou El Kheir,
Simone Perego,
Davide Campi,
Marco Bernasconi
- The effect of dimensionality reduction on the crystallization kinetics of phase change materials is of relevance for the operation of ultrascaled memory devices. Therefore, the crystallization of amorphous nanoparticles (NPs) of the prototypical phase change compounds, GeTe and Ge₂Sb₂Te₅, has been addressed by several experimental works in recent years. In this work, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of the crystallization process of amorphous GeTe NPs with diameter in the range 3-6 nm (512-4096 atoms) by exploiting a machine-learned interatomic potential. We saw a few crystal nucleation events in the larger NPs but no crystallization in the smallest NP, 3 nm in diameter, in simulations lasting up to 80 ns in the temperature range 500-750 K. The analysis of the crystallization kinetics suggests that the nucleation rate per volume decreases with the NP size to an extent that prevents us from seeing crystallization in the smallest NP on our simulation time scale. This ...
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Nov 07, 2024
Mohammed Azzouzi,
Steven Benett,
Victor Posligua,
Roberto Bondesan,
Martijn Zwijnenburg,
Kim Jelfs
- Identifying organic molecules with desirable properties from the extensive chemical space can be challenging, particularly when property evaluation methods are time-consuming and resource intensive. In this study, we illustrate this challenge by exploring the chemical space of large oligomers, constructed from monomeric building blocks, for potential use in organic photovoltaics (OPV). To facilitate this exploration, we developed a Python package called stk-search, which employs a building block approach. For this purpose, we developed a python package to search the chemical space using a building block approach: stk-search. We use stk-search (GitHub link) to compare a variety of search algorithms, including those based upon Bayesian optimization and evolutionary approaches. Initially, we evaluated and compared the performance of different search algorithms within a precomputed search space. We then extended our investigation to the vast chemical space of molecules formed of 6 ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Nov 04, 2024
Lea Haas,
Peter Mlkvik,
Nicola A. Spaldin,
Claude Ederer
- We analyze the effects on the structural and electronic properties of vanadium dioxide (VO₂) of adding an empirical inter-atomic potential within the density-functional theory+V (DFT+V) framework. We use the DFT+V machinery founded on the extended Hubbard model to apply an empirical self-energy correction between nearest-neighbor vanadium atoms in both rutile and monoclinic phases, and for a set of structures interpolating between these two cases. We observe that imposing an explicit intersite interaction V along the vanadium-vanadium chains enhances the characteristic bonding-antibonding splitting of the relevant bands in the monoclinic phase, thus favoring electronic dimerization and the formation of a band gap. We then explore the effect of V on the structural properties and the relative energies of the two phases, finding an insulating global energy minimum for the monoclinic phase, consistent with experimental observations. With increasing V, this minimum becomes deeper ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 31, 2024
Peter Mlkvik,
Maximilian E. Merkel,
Nicola A. Spaldin,
Claude Ederer
- We present a combined density-functional theory and single-site dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) study of vanadium dioxide (VO₂) using an unconventional set of bond-centered orbitals as the basis of the correlated subspace. VO₂ is a prototypical material undergoing a metal-insulator transition (MIT), hosting both intriguing physical phenomena and the potential for industrial applications. With our choice of correlated subspace basis, we investigate the interplay of structural dimerization and electronic correlations in VO₂ in a computationally cheaper way compared to other state-of-the-art methods, such as cluster DMFT. Our approach allows us to treat the rutile and M1 monoclinic VO₂ phases on an equal footing and to vary the dimerizing distortion continuously, exploring the energetics of the transition between the two phases. The choice of basis presented in this work hence offers a complementary view on the long-standing discussion of the MIT in VO₂ and suggests possible ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 31, 2024
Marcel F. Langer,
Sergey N. Pozdnyakov,
Michele Ceriotti
- Symmetry is one of the most central concepts in physics, and it is no surprise that it has also been widely adopted as an inductive bias for machine-learning models applied to the physical sciences. This is especially true for models targeting the properties of matter at the atomic scale. Both established and state-of-the-art approaches, with almost no exceptions, are built to be exactly equivariant to translations, permutations, and rotations of the atoms. Incorporating symmetries—rotations in particular—constrains the model design space and implies more complicated architectures that are often also computationally demanding. There are indications that unconstrained models can easily learn symmetries from data, and that doing so can even be beneficial for the accuracy of the model. We demonstrate that an unconstrained architecture can be trained to achieve a high degree of rotational invariance, testing the impacts of the small symmetry breaking in realistic scenarios involving ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 30, 2024
Abdur Rehman Jalil,
Tobias W. Schmitt,
Philipp Rüßmann,
Xian-Kui Wei,
Benedikt Frohn,
Michael Schleenvoigt,
Wilhelm Wittl,
Xiao Hou,
Anne Schmidt,
Kaycee Underwood,
Gustav Bihlmayer,
Martina Luysberg,
Joachim Mayer,
Stefan Blügel,
Detlev Grützmacher,
Peter Schüffelgen
- Proximity-induced superconductivity in hybrid devices of topological insulators and superconductors offers a promising platform for the pursuit of elusive topological superconductivity and its anticipated applications, such as fault-tolerant quantum computing. To study and harness such hybrid devices, a key challenge is the realization of highly functional material interfaces with a suitable superconductor featuring 2e-periodic parity-conserving transport to ensure a superconducting hard-gap free of unpaired electrons, which is important for Majorana physics. A superconductor well-known for this characteristic is Al, however, its direct integration into devices based on tetradymite topological insulators has so far been found to yield non-transparent interfaces. By focusing on Bi₂Te₃-Al heterostructures, this study identifies detrimental interdiffusion processes at the interface through atomically resolved structural and chemical analysis, and showcase their mitigation by ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 28, 2024
Balázs Póta,
Paramvir Ahlawat,
Gábor Csányi,
Michele Simoncelli
- Advances in machine learning have led to the development of foundation models for atomistic materials chemistry, enabling quantum-accurate descriptions of interatomic forces across diverse compounds at reduced computational cost. Hitherto, these models have been benchmarked relying on descriptors based on atoms' interaction energies or harmonic vibrations; their accuracy and efficiency in predicting observable and technologically relevant heat-conduction properties remains unknown. Here, we introduce a framework that leverages foundation models and the Wigner formulation of heat transport to overcome the major bottlenecks of current methods for designing heat-management materials: high cost, limited transferability, or lack of physics awareness. We present the standards needed to achieve first-principles accuracy in conductivity predictions through model's fine-tuning, discussing benchmark metrics and precision/cost trade-offs. We apply our framework to a database of solids with ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 22, 2024
Rojas Kurt Irvin,
Shin-ichi Ito,
Yukihiro Yasuda,
Natsumi Noguchi,
Kosei Fukuda,
Miwa Hikichi,
Zhihao Kang,
Mei Yuan,
Ryuki Tsuji,
Osamu Oki,
Susmita Roy,
Yasuyuki Hikita,
Iwao Matsuda,
Masahiro Miyauchi,
Ikutaro Hamada,
Takahiro Kondo
- Deuterium boride (DB) nanosheets were synthesized through ion exchange, and their Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectra showed isotope effects with a shift in the B-H stretching mode. Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experiments indicated that hydrogen release from DB and HB nanosheets primarily results from inter-layer hydrogen recombination at lower temperatures, with intra-layer recombination occurring at higher temperatures. This repository contains supplementary data related to the computational findings presented in the accompanying publication. The goal of sharing these data files is to enhance result transparency and support better reproducibility.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 21, 2024
Samuel Poncé,
Jae-Mo Lihm,
Cheol-Hwan Park
- Verification and validation of methods and first-principles software are at the core of computational solid-state physics but are too rarely addressed. We compare four first-principles codes: Abinit, Quantum ESPRESSO, EPW, ZG, and three methods: (i) the Allen-Heine-Cardona theory using density functional perturbation theory (DFPT), (ii) the Allen-Heine-Cardona theory using Wannier function perturbation theory (WFPT), and (iii) an adiabatic non-perturbative frozen-phonon method. For these cases, we compute the real and imaginary parts of the electron-phonon self-energy in diamond and BAs, including dipoles and quadrupoles when interpolating. We find excellent agreement between software that implements the same formalism as well as good agreement between the DFPT and WFPT methods. Importantly, we find that the Deybe-Waller term is momentum dependent which impacts the mass enhancement, yielding approximate results when using the Luttinger approximations. Finally, we compare the ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 21, 2024
Takahiro Ozawa,
Yuki Sugisawa,
Yuya Komatsu,
Ryota Shimizu,
Taro Hitosugi,
Daiichiro Sekiba,
Kunihiko Yamauchi,
Ikutaro Hamada,
Katsuyuki Fukutani
- Identification of the hydrogen lattice location in crystals is key to understanding and controlling hydrogen-induced properties. Combining nuclear reaction analysis with the ion channeling technique, we experimentally determined the locations of H and D in epitaxial nanofilms of titanium hydrides. It was found that 11 at.% of H are located at the octahedral site with the remaining H atoms in the tetrahedral site. Density functional theory calculations revealed that the structures with the partial octahedral site occupation are stabilized by the Fermi level shift and Jahn-Teller effect induced by hydrogen. In contrast, D was found to solely occupy the tetrahedral site owing to the mass effect on the zero-point vibrational energy. These findings suggest that site occupation of hydrogen can be controlled by changing the isotope mixture ratio, which leads to promising manifestation of novel hydrogen-related phenomena.
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Oct 17, 2024
Filippo Bigi,
Sanggyu Chong,
Michele Ceriotti,
Federico Grasselli
- Quantifying the uncertainty of regression models is essential to ensure their reliability, particularly since their application often extends beyond their training domain. Based on the solution of a constrained optimization problem, this work proposes ‘prediction rigidities’ as a formalism to obtain uncertainties of arbitrary pre-trained regressors. A clear connection between the suggested framework and Bayesian inference is established, and a last-layer approximation is developed and rigorously justified to enable the application of the method to neural networks. This extension affords cheap uncertainties without any modification to the neural network itself or its training procedure. The effectiveness of this approach is shown for a wide range of regression tasks, ranging from simple toy models to applications in chemistry and meteorology.
This record includes computational experiments supporting the MLST paper titled "A prediction rigidity formalism for low-cost uncertainties in trained neural networks".
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 17, 2024
Marco Dirindin,
Daniele Coslovich
- We reassess the modeling of amorphous silica bilayers as a two-dimensional classical system whose particles interact with an effective pairwise potential. We show that it is possible to reparameterize the potential developed by Roy, Heyde, and Heuer to quantitatively match the structural details of the experimental samples. We then study the glassy dynamics of the reparameterized model at low temperatures. Using appropriate cage-relative correlation functions, which suppress the effect of Mermin-Wagner fluctuations, we highlight the presence of two well-defined Arrhenius regimes separated by a narrow crossover region, which we connect to the thermodynamic anomalies and the changes in the local structure. We find that the bond-orientational order grows steadily below the crossover temperature and is associated to transient crystalline domains of nanometric size. These findings raise fundamental questions about the nature of glass structure in two dimensions and provide guidelines ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 16, 2024
Andrea Fedrigucci,
Nicola Marzari,
Paolo Ricci
- This dataset contains the results of density functional theory (DFT) calculations performed using Quantum ESPRESSO to study surface binding energies (SBE) and the formation energies of interstitial hydrogen (H-IFE) in various plasma-facing materials (PFMs). These calculations support the findings reported in the article Comprehensive Screening of Plasma-Facing Materials for Nuclear Fusion, where a combination of peer-reviewed data from the PAULING FILE database and first-principles calculations are used to evaluate potential PFM candidates. Key results include a detailed comparison of tungsten and alternative refractory materials, focusing on their behavior under intense neutron bombardment and plasma interactions in nuclear fusion reactors. The dataset includes input and output files from the Quantum ESPRESSO simulations, offering valuable insight into defect energetics in candidate materials.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 16, 2024
Puck van Gerwen,
Ksenia R. Briling,
Yannick Calvino Alonso,
Malte Franke,
Clemence Corminboeuf
- In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in predicting computed activation barriers, to enable the acceleration of the automated exploration of reaction networks. Consequently, various predictive approaches have emerged, ranging from graph-based models to methods based on the three-dimensional structure of reactants and products. In tandem, many representations have been developed to predict experimental targets, which may hold promise for barrier prediction as well. Here, we bring together all of these efforts and benchmark various methods (Morgan fingerprints, the DRFP, the CGR representation-based Chemprop, SLATMd, B²Rl², EquiReact and language model BERT + RXNFP) for the prediction of computed activation barriers on three diverse datasets.
This record includes data to support the article "Benchmarking machine-readable vectors of chemical reactions on computed activation barriers". This supports the github repository ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 16, 2024
Puck van Gerwen,
Ksenia Briling,
Charlotte Bunne,
Vignesh Ram Somnath,
Ruben Laplaza,
Andreas Krause,
Clemence Corminboeuf
- Geometric deep learning models, which incorporate the relevant molecular symmetries within the neural network architecture, have considerably improved the accuracy and data efficiency of predictions of molecular properties. Building on this success, we introduce 3DREACT, a geometric deep learning model to predict reaction properties from three-dimensional structures of reactants and products. We demonstrate that the invariant version of the model is sufficient for existing reaction data sets. We illustrate its competitive performance on the prediction of activation barriers on the GDB7-22-TS, Cyclo-23-TS, and Proparg-21-TS data sets in different atom-mapping regimes. We show that, compared to existing models for reaction property prediction, 3DREACT offers a flexible framework that exploits atom- mapping information, if available, as well as geometries of reactants and products (in an invariant or equivariant fashion). Accordingly, it performs systematically well across different ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 15, 2024
Johannes Sandberg,
Thomas Voigtmann,
Emilie Devijver,
Noel Jakse
- Homogeneous nucleation processes are important for understanding solidification and the resulting microstructure of materials. Simulating this process requires accurately describing the interactions between atoms, hich is further complicated by chemical order through cross-species interactions. The large scales needed to observe rare nucleation events are far beyond the capabilities of ab initio simulations. Machine-learning is used for overcoming these limitations in terms of both accuracy and speed, by building a high-dimensional neural network potential for binary Al-Ni alloys, which serve as a model system relevant to many industrial applications. The potential is validated against experimental diffusion, viscosity, and scattering data, and is applied to large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of homogeneous nucleation at equiatomic composition, as well as for pure Ni. Pure Ni nucleates in a single-step into an fcc crystal phase, in contrast to previous results obtained ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 11, 2024
Nicolas Mounet,
Marco Gibertini,
Philippe Schwaller,
Davide Campi,
Andrius Merkys,
Antimo Marrazzo,
Thibault Sohier,
Ivano E. Castelli,
Andrea Cepellotti,
Giovanni Pizzi,
Nicola Marzari
- Two-dimensional (2D) materials have emerged as promising candidates for next-generation electronic and optoelectronic applications. Yet, only a few dozens of 2D materials have been successfully synthesized or exfoliated. Here, we search for novel 2D materials that can be easily exfoliated from their parent compounds. Starting from 108423 unique, experimentally known three-dimensional compounds we identify a subset of 5619 that appear layered according to robust geometric and bonding criteria. High-throughput calculations using van-der-Waals density-functional theory, validated against experimental structural data and calculated random-phase-approximation binding energies, allow to identify 1825 compounds that are either easily or potentially exfoliable. In particular, the subset of 1036 easily exfoliable cases provides novel structural prototypes and simple ternary compounds as well as a large portfolio of materials to search from for optimal properties. For a subset of 258 ...
Latest version: v5
Publication date: Oct 11, 2024
Nathaniel Troup,
Matthew P Kroonblawd,
Davide Donadio,
Nir Goldman
- An atomic-level understanding of radiation-induced damage in simple polymers like polyethylene is essential for determining how these chemical changes can alter the physical and mechanical properties of important technological materials such as plastics. We performed ensembles of quantum simulations of radiation damage in a polyethylene analog using the Density Functional Tight Binding method to help bind its radiolysis and subsequent degradation as a function of radiation dose. Chemical degradation products are categorized with a graph theory approach, and we compute occurrence rates of unsaturated carbon bond formation, crosslinking, cycle formation, chain scission reactions, and out-gassing products. Statistical correlations between product pairs show significant correlations between chain scission reactions, unsaturated carbon bond formation, and out-gassing products, though these correlations decrease with increasing atom recoil energy. Our results present relatively simple ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 11, 2024
Shuonan Chen,
Yongtao Bai*,
Xuhong Zhou*,
Ao Yang
- In this work, we present a comprehensive dataset designed to facilitate the prediction of metal fatigue life using deep learning techniques. The dataset includes detailed experimental data from 40 different metallic materials, comprising a total of 1195 data points under 48 distinct loading paths. Each data point is stored in a CSV file, capturing the loading path as a time-series with axial and tangential stress or strain values.The primary purpose of this dataset is to support the development and validation of deep learning models aimed at accurately predicting the fatigue life of metals under various loading conditions. This dataset includes stress-controlled and strain-controlled data, ensuring a broad representation of experimental scenarios. Additionally, an Excel file accompanies the dataset, providing detailed mechanical properties of each material, such as elastic modulus, tensile strength, yield strength, and Poisson's ratio, along with references to the original ...
Latest version: v3
Publication date: Oct 10, 2024
Viet-Anh Ha,
Feliciano Giustino
- 2D semiconductors are considered as a promising alternative to silicon for future electronics. This class of materials possesses different advantages including atomically sharp surfaces and the ability to scale channel thickness down to a single layer. However, they typically exhibit lower charge carrier mobility as well as higher contact resistance compared to 3D semiconductors, which deters the development of high-performance devices at scale. In this work, we searched for high-mobility 2D materials by combining high-throughput screening approach and advanced transport calculations based on the ab initio Boltzmann transport equation. Based on our calculations, we identified several promising candidates channel materials, and in particular monolayer WS₂ which exhibits a phonon-limited hole mobility in excess of 1300 cm²/Vs. Our work suggests that WS₂ can be ideal for channel of high-performance 2D transistors with Ohmic contacts and low defect density. This work has been published in [npj Comput. Mater. 10, 229 (2024)].
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 10, 2024
Shubha R. Kharel,
Fanchen Meng,
Xiaohui Qu,
Matthew R. Carbone,
Deyu Lu
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful characterization technique for probing the local chemical environment of absorbing atoms. However, analyzing XAS data presents with significant challenges, often requiring extensive, computationally intensive simulations, as well as significant domain expertise. These limitations hinder the development of fast, robust XAS analysis pipelines that are essential in high-throughput studies and for autonomous experimentation. We address these challenges with a suite of transfer learning approaches for XAS prediction, each uniquely contributing to improved accuracy and efficiency, as demonstrated on simulated K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra database covering eight 3d transition metals (Ti-Cu). This database contains FEFF and VASP K-edge XANES spectra of 3d transition metal-containing oxide materials used to develop the above machine learning models. The materials structures are sourced from the Materials ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 09, 2024
Julia Linke,
Thomas Rohrbach,
Adam Hugh Clark,
Camelia Borca,
Thomas Huthwelker,
Fabian Luca Buchauer,
Mikkel Rykær Kraglund,
Christodoulos Chatzichristodoulou,
Eibhlin Meade,
Julie Guehl,
Mateusz Wojtas,
Marco Ranocchiari,
Thomas Justus Schmidt,
Emiliana Fabbri
- The performance of Ni-based oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrocatalysts is enhanced upon Fe incorporation into the structure or Fe uptake from the electrolyte. In light of the promising potential of metal-organic framework (MOF) electrocatalysts for water splitting, Ni-MOF-74 is used as a model catalyst to study the effect of Fe incorporation from KOH electrolyte on the electrocatalyst’s OER activity and stability. The insights obtained from X-ray diffraction and operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy characterizations of Ni-MOF-74 and an amorphous Ni metal organic compound (Ni-MOC*) reveal that Fe uptake enhances OER by two processes: higher Ni oxidation states and enhanced flexibility of the electronic state and local structure when cycling the potential below and above the OER onset. To demonstrate the impressive OER activity and stability in Fe containing KOH, an Ni-MOC* anode was implemented in an anion exchange membrane water electrolyzer (AEM-WE) with 3 ppm Fe ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 09, 2024
Chen Hao Xia,
Leonard Deuschle,
Jiang Cao,
Alexander Maeder,
Mathieu Luisier
- Band-to-band tunnelling field-effect transistors (TFETs) have long been considered as promising candidates for future low-power logic applications. However, fabricated TFETs rarely reach sub-60 mV/dec sub-threshold swings (SS) at room temperature. Previous theoretical studies identified Auger processes as possible mechanisms for the observed degradation of SS. Through first-principles quantum transport simulations incorporating carrier-carrier interactions within the Non-equilibrium Green's Function formalism through self-consistent GW approximation, we confirm here that Auger processes are indeed at least partly responsible for the poor performance of TFETs. Using a carbon nanotube TFET as testbed, we show that carrier-carrier scattering alone significantly increases the OFF-state current of these devices, thus worsening their sub-threshold behavior. The results are in the folder uploaded.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 08, 2024
Geng Li,
Yingxiang Gao,
Daiyou Xie,
Leilei Zhu,
Dongjie Shi,
Shuming Zeng,
Wei Zhan,
Jun Chen,
Honghui Shang
- Raman spectra play an important role in characterizing two-dimensional materials, as they provide a direct link between the atomic structure and the spectral features. In this work, we present an automatic computational workflow for Raman spectra using all-electron density functional perturbation theory. Utilizing this workflow, we have successfully completed the Raman spectra calculation for 3504 different two-dimensional materials, with the resultant data saved in a data repository.
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Oct 04, 2024
Rui Zeng,
Feng Liu
- Thin film organic photovoltaics (OPVs) aspire to extract solar energy in a green, high efficiency, and cost-effective pathway, offering a sustainable solution to energy and ecosystem. We take the effort of developing low ecological harmful solvent processing of OPV devices and mini-modules, to strengthen the environmental benefits of OPV. New formula utilizing safer solvents enhanced with additives affords an optimal laboratory device efficiency of 20% as well as superior operational and thermal stability. Mini-module shows an efficiency up to 17.6% in upscaled processing, representing the highest performance for green solvent OPV development. Suitable nanoscaled phase separation is obtained in together with a micron-scale surface wrinkle pattern from the new developed processing strategy. Thus efficient photon-to-electron conversion at nano-interfaces and light extraction in broader receiving angles is achieved, which allows for more flexible installation geometries in building-integrated applications.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 02, 2024
Xianlong Li,
Zhiliang Wang*,
Alireza Sasani,
Ardeshir Baktash,
Kai Wang,
haijiao Lu,
jiakang you,
Peng Chen,
Ping Chen,
Yifan Bao,
Shujun Zhang,
Gang Liu,
Lianzhou Wang*
- A strong driving force for charge separation and transfer in semiconductors is essential for designing effective photoelectrodes for solar energy conversion. While defect engineering and polarization alignment can enhance this process, their potential interference within a photoelectrode remains unclear. Here we show that oxygen vacancies in bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) can create defect dipoles due to a disruption of symmetry. The modified photoelectrodes exhibit a strong correlation between charge separation and transfer capability and external electrical poling, which is not seen in unmodified samples. Applying poling at -150 Volt boosts charge separation and transfer efficiency to over 90 %. A photocurrent density of 6.3 mA cm-2 is achieved on the photoelectrode after loading with a nickel-iron oxide-based cocatalyst. Furthermore, using generated holes for methane partial oxidation can produce methanol with a Faradaic efficiency of approximately 6 %. These findings provide ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Oct 01, 2024
Hana Bunzen,
Beliz Sertcan Gökmen,
Andreas Kalytta-Mewes,
Maciej Grzywa,
Jakub Wojciechowski,
Jürg Hutter,
Anna-Sophia Hehn,
Dirk Volkmer
- Isostructural metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), namely MFU-4 and MFU-4-Br, in which the pore apertures are defined by anionic side ligands (Cl− and Br−, respectively), were synthesized and loaded with noble gases. By selecting the type of side ligand, one can fine-tune the pore aperture size, allowing for precise regulation of the entry and release of gas guests. In this study, we conducted experiments to examine gas loading and release using krypton and xenon as model gases, and we complemented our findings with computational modeling. Remarkably, the loaded gas guests remained trapped inside the pores even after being exposed to air under ambient conditions for extended periods, in some cases for up to several weeks. Therefore, we focused on determining the energy barrier preventing gas release using both theoretical and experimental methods. The results were compared in relation to the types of hosts and guests, providing valuable insights into the gas trapping process in MOFs, ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Sep 26, 2024
Riccardo Reho,
Nils Wittemeier,
Arnold Herman Kole,
Pablo Ordejón,
Zeila Zanolli
- We present SIESTA-BdG, an implementation of the simultaneous solution of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) problem in SIESTA, a first-principles method and code for material simulations which uses pseudopotentials and a localized basis set. This unified approach describes both conventional and unconventional superconducting states, and enables a description of inhomogeneous superconductors and heterostructures. We demonstrate the validity, accuracy, and efficiency of SIESTA-BdG by computing physically relevant quantities (superconducting charge density, band structure, superconducting gap features, density of states) for conventional singlet (Nb, Pb) and unconventional (FeSe) superconductors. We find excellent agreement with experiments and results obtained within the KKR-BdG computational framework. SIESTA-BdG forms the basis for modelling quantum transport in superconducting devices and including - in an approximate fashion - the superconducting ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Sep 26, 2024
Monika Vogler,
Jonas Busk,
Hamidreza Hajiyani,
Peter Bjørn Jørgensen,
Nehzat Safaei,
Ivano E. Castelli,
Francisco Fernando Ramirez,
Johan M. Carlsson,
Giovanni Pizzi,
Simon Clark,
Felix Hanke,
Arghya Bhowmik,
Helge S. Stein
- This study presents the initial implementation of the Fast INtention-Agnostic LEarning Server (FINALES) in a demonstration of a distributed Materials Acceleration Platform (MAP) including experimental and computational methods and a machine learning (ML)-based optimizer. In this demonstration, the optimizer was configured to minimize the density of the electrolyte solutions while maximizing the viscosity by exploiting experimental and computational results. The tenants (the units connected to FINALES in the MAP) are shortly described in the following:
- Autonomous Synthesis and Analysis of Battery electrolytes (ASAB) setup: an experimental tenant providing density and viscosity data using a densimeter of the type DMA 4100M and a viscometer of type Lovis 2000 both by Anton Paar Germany
- Molecular dynamics tenant: a computational tenant capable of providing radial distribution functions, diffusion coefficients, ionic conductivity, transference numbers, heat capacity and density ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Sep 26, 2024
Rubel Mozumder,
Johannes Wasmer,
David Antognini Silva,
Stefan Blügel,
Philipp Rüßmann
- Using high-throughput automation of ab-initio impurity-embedding simulations we created a database of 3d and 4d transition metal defects embedded into the prototypical topological insulators (TIs) Bi₂Te₃ and Bi₂Se₃. We simulate both single impurities as well as impurity dimers at different impurity-impurity distances inside the topological insulator matrix. We extract changes to magnetic moments, analyze the polarizability of non-magnetic impurity atoms via nearby magnetic impurity atoms and calculate the exchange coupling constants for a Heisenberg Hamiltonian.
We uncover chemical trends in the exchange coupling constants and discuss the impurities' potential with respect to magnetic order in the fields of quantum anomalous Hall insulators. In particular, we predict that co-doping of different magnetic dopants is a viable strategy to engineer the magnetic ground state in magnetic TIs.
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Sep 23, 2024
Beliz Sertcan Gökmen,
Jürg Hutter,
Anna-Sophia Hehn
- Augmented plane wave methods enable an efficient description of atom-centered or localized features of the electronic density, circumventing high energy cutoffs and thus prohibitive computational costs of pure plane wave formulations. To complement existing implementations for ground-state properties and excitation energies, we present the extension of the Gaussian and augmented plane wave method to excited-state nuclear gradients within the Tamm–Dancoff approximation of time-dependent density functional theory and its implementation in the CP2K program package. Benchmarks for a test set of 35 small molecules demonstrate that maximum errors in the nuclear forces for excited states of singlet and triplet spin multiplicity are smaller than 0.1 eV/Å. The method is furthermore applied to the calculation of the zero-phonon line of defective hexagonal boron nitride. This spectral feature is reproduced with an error of 0.6 eV in comparison to GW–Bethe–Salpeter reference computations and ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Sep 23, 2024
Moin Khwaja,
Takuya Harada
- Photocatalytic conversion of CO₂ into fuel feed stocks is a promising method for sustainable fuel production. A highly attractive class of materials, inorganic-core@metal–organic-framework heterogeneous catalysts, boasts a significant increase in catalytic performance when compared to the individual materials. However, due to the ever-expanding chemical space of inorganic-core catalysts and metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), identification of these optimal heterojunctions is difficult without appropriate computational screening. In this work, a novel high-throughput screening method of nano-hybrid photocatalysts is presented by screening 65'784 inorganic-core materials and 20'375 MOF-shells for their ability to reduce CO₂ based on their synthesizability, aqueous stability, visible light absorption, and electronic structure; the passing materials were then paired based on their electronic structure to create novel heterojunctions. The results showed 58 suitable inorganic-core ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Sep 19, 2024
Mohamed S. Abdallah,
Alfredo Pasquarello
- Through quasiparticle self-consistent GW, we investigate the electronic structure of the antiferromagnetic ground state of four transition-metal monoxides: MnO, FeO, CoO, and NiO. In addition to the random-phase approximation, we consider two different schemes incorporating effective vertex corrections. The first scheme includes in the polarizability a vertex function derived from the solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE), whereas the second scheme includes in both the polarizability and self-energy a vertex function, which carries a long-range part satisfying the Ward identity and a short-range part derived from the adiabatic local density approximation. Our results include fundamental band gaps, macroscopic dielectric constants, and local magnetic moments, emphasizing the role of vertex corrections in the description of these key electronic properties. We provide quasiparticle band structures and projected densities of states allowing us to establish a connection with ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Sep 17, 2024
Jiaqi Zhou,
Samuel Poncé,
Jean-Christophe Charlier
- Emerging two-dimensional (2D) materials bring unprecedented opportunities for electronic applications. The design of high-performance devices requires an accurate prediction of carrier mobility in 2D materials, which can be obtained using state-of-the-art ab initio calculations. However, various factors impact the computational accuracy, leading to contradictory estimations for the mobility. In this work, targeting accurate and efficient ab initio calculations, transport properties in III-V monolayers are reported using the Boltzmann transport equation, and the influences of pseudopotential, quadrupole correction, Berry connection, and spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on mobilities are systematically investigated. Our findings are as follows: (1) The inclusion of semi-core states in pseudopotentials is important to obtain accurate calculations. (2) The variations induced by dynamical quadrupole and Berry connection when treating long range fields can be respectively 40% and 10%. (3) The ...
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Sep 17, 2024
Daria Torodii,
Jacob Holmes,
Pinelopi Moutzouri,
Sten Nilsson Lill,
Manuel Cordova,
Arthur Pinon,
Kristof Grohe,
Sebastian Wegner,
Okky Dwichandra Putra,
Stefan Norberg,
Anette Welinder,
Staffan Schantz,
Lyndon Emsley
- The recent development of ultra-fast MAS (>100 kHz) provides new opportunities for structural characterization in solids. Here we use NMR crystallography to validate the structure of verinurad, a microcrystalline active pharmaceutical ingredient. To do this, we take advantage of 1H resolution improvement at ultra-fast MAS and use solely 1H-detected experiments and machine learning methods to assign all the experimental proton and carbon chemical shifts. This framework provides a new tool for elucidating chemical information from crystalline samples with limited sample volume and yields remarkably faster acquisition times compared to 13C-detected experiments, without the need to employ dynamic nuclear polarization.
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Sep 17, 2024
Frédéric Célerse,
Veronika Juraskova,
Shubhajit Das,
Matthew D. Wodrich,
Clémence Corminboeuf
- Simulations of chemical reactivity in condensed phase systems represent an ongoing challenge in computational chemistry, where traditional quantum chemical approaches typically struggle with both the size of the system and the potential complexity of the reaction. Here, we introduce a workflow aimed at efficiently training neural network potentials (NNPs) to explore energy barriers in solution at the hybrid density functional theory level. The computational burden associated with training at the PBE0-D3(BJ) level is bypassed through the use of active and transfer learning techniques, whereas extensive sampling of the transition state region is accelerated by well-tempered metadynamics simulations using multiple time-step integration. These NNPs serve to explore a puzzling solute--solvent reactivity route involving the ring opening of N-enoxyphthalimide experimentally observed in methanol but not in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE). This reaction represents a challenging example ...
Latest version: v1
Publication date: Sep 09, 2024
Jiaqi Zhou,
Samuel Poncé,
Jean-Christophe Charlier
- The conversion efficiency from charge current to spin current via spin Hall effect is evaluated by the spin Hall ratio (SHR). Through state-of-the-art ab initio calculations involving both charge conductivity and spin Hall conductivity, we report the SHRs of the III-V monolayer family, revealing an ultrahigh ratio of 0.58 in the hole-doped GaAs monolayer. In order to find more promising 2D materials, a descriptor for high SHR is proposed and applied to a high-throughput database, which provides the fully-relativistic band structures and Wannier Hamiltonians of 216 exfoliable monolayer semiconductors and has been released to the community. Among potential candidates for high SHR, the MXene monolayer Sc₂CCl₂ is identified with the proposed descriptor and confirmed by computation, demonstrating the descriptor validity for high SHR materials discovery.
Latest version: v2
Publication date: Sep 06, 2024