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Neural network potential for Zr-H

Manura Liyanage1*, David Reith2, Volker Eyert2, W. A. Curtin1

1 Laboratory for Multiscale Mechanics Modelling, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

2 Materials Design SARL, 42 avenue Verdier, 92120 Montrouge, France

* Corresponding authors emails:
DOI10.24435/materialscloud:qv-xn [version v1]

Publication date: May 03, 2024

How to cite this record

Manura Liyanage, David Reith, Volker Eyert, W. A. Curtin, Neural network potential for Zr-H, Materials Cloud Archive 2024.68 (2024),


The introduction of Hydrogen (H) into Zirconium (Zr) influences many mechanical properties, especially due to low H solubility and easy formation of Zirconium hydride phases. Understanding the various effects of H requires studies with atomistic resolution but at scales that incorporate defects such as cracks, interfaces, and dislocations. Such studies thus demand accurate interatomic potentials. Here, a neural network potential (NNP) for the Zr-H system is developed within the Behler-Parrinello framework. The Zr-H NNP retains the accuracy of a recent NNP for hcp Zr and exhibits excellent agreement with first-principles density functional theory (DFT) for (i) H interstitials and their diffusion in hcp Zr, (ii) formation energies, elastic constants, and surface energies of relevant Zr hydrides, and (iii) energetics of a common Zr/Zr-H interface. The Zr-H NNP shows physical behavior for many different crack orientations in the most-stable ε-hydride and structures and reasonable relative energetics for the ⟨a⟩ screw dislocation in pure Zr. This Zr-H NNP should thus be very powerful for future study of many phenomena driving H degradation in Zr that require atomistic detail at scales far above those accessible by first-principles

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File name Size Description
54.3 MiB Reference structures used in developing the NNP (sharable dataset)


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Metadata, except for email addresses, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International license.

External references

Journal reference
M. Liyanage, D, Reith, V. Eyert, W. A. Curtin, Journal of Nuclear materials


Zirconium Hydrides Neural network potentials molecular dynamics simulation

Version history:

2024.68 (version v1) [This version] May 03, 2024 DOI10.24435/materialscloud:qv-xn