------------ dft_bands_crpa_plot.py ------------ This script plots the DFT bandstructure and crpaU for all the materials in the publication. Corresponding figure in publication: Fig 1 [Useful file conventions]: dft_bands_.DAT -> contains the bandstructure along a fixed k-path of a given material crpa_.dat -> contains the frequency dependent Re[curlyU(11,11)] of a given material within a given model (specified by the number of bands) ------------ dosloc_wloc_plot.py ------------ This script plots all the local fermionic and bosonic spectral functions for all the materials in the publication. Corresponding figures in publication: Figs 3,5,8,9,10; Sup Fig 1 [Useful file conventions]: loc_dos_o__band.dat" -> local density of states of a certain orbital number of a given material within a given model (specified by the number of bands) (note that in some cases can be "op" which means Oxygen p-states and "t2g/eg" which means t2g/eg states; also, the code accounts for spin and orbital degeneracies by scaling the DOS appropriately: see comments in the code) wloc_tr_nanb__band.dat -> contains the imaginary part of the screened Coulomb interaction Im W(omega) with the density-density components traced over ------------ akw_loss_susc_plot.py ------------ This script plots the k-resolved fermionic spectral function, charge susceptibility and loss function, as well as the local loss function of SrVO3 for different model spaces. Corresponding figures in publication: Figs 4,6,7 [Useful file conventions]: eps_inv_loc__band.dat -> local loss function of a given material in a given model (see paper for precise definition) chi_sum_nanb__band.dat -> Imaginary part of the k-omega-resolved charge susceptibility, with density-density terms traced over for a given material, in a given model eps_inv_sum_nanb__band.dat -> k-omega-resolved loss function of a given material in a given model akw_tr__band.dat -> k-omega-resolved fermionic spectral function of a given material in a given model (trace over the orbitals) ____________ self_en_plot.py ------------ This scripts prints the imaginary part of the t2g self-energy on the matsubara axis for all the materials in all models, for 3 different schemes: G0W0 (one-shot), GW and GW-EDMFT Corresponding figures in publication: Sup Fig 2 [Useful file conventions]: s_t2g___band.dat -> local imaginary part of the self-energy within the t2g manifold on the matsubara axis of a given material, in a given model, computed within a certain scheme= G0W0/GW/GW-EDMFT