This repository contains the dataset required for training a NN model approximating FEM calculations of elastic energy of a strained film and some example evolutions obtained using such a model to integrate the PDE describing the film evolution by surface diffusion. Distances are reported in nm and energy densities in eV/nm^3. If a "x" column is missing, every point for other quantities is implicitly spaced by 1 nm. The repository contains: * "dataset": raw training/validation examples (both Perlin-noise and pure-sine waves) in human readable format * "evolutions_surface_diffusion": contains simulations either in human readable snapshots, .npy format or animations (.gif/.avi). In human-readable format, the corresponding evolution obtained using the semi-analytic Flat Island approximation is also reported (y_GA is the profile, mu_GA is the elastic energy density) * "minimization": contains the minimization results using the NN approach, the relative predicted elastic energy density and the one-shot calculations from FEM Refer to individual folders' README.txt files for further details or contact the authors. NOTE: once unzipped, the dataset occupies ~20GB.