README These are raw data for the Figs.1-3 and Figs. 5-6 in this work. Please see our paper for detailed descriptions and discussions. Figure1_SourceData.xlsx: Calculated phonon dispersion and partial density of states for RE2O3. Figure2_SourceData.xlsx: Calculated bond length and interatomic force constant (IFC) for RE-O bonds in RE2O3. Figure3_SourceData.xlsx: Calculated real and imaginary part of dielectric function (¦Å¡¯ and ¦Å¡¯¡¯) of RE2O3. Figure5_SourceData.xlsx: Calculated real and imaginary part of refractive index for RE2O3 (n and k) in comparison with referenced data. Figure6_SourceData.xlsx: Calculated single surface normal reflectance, absorption coefficient, and normal emittance of RE2O3 in comparison with referenced data.