File Heirarchy Description------------------------------------------- Surface --> Adsorbate --> Orientation (if applicable) --> Site Notes----------------------------------------------------------------- Orientations are not available for atom adsorbates or H2S and NH3 molecules. Possible Orientations for linear molecules with more than 2 atoms (COS, K2O, and HCN): ud (up-down) lr (left-right) diag (diagonal) vert (vertical) - available for HCN only, as either N-bound or H-bound Possible Orientations for linear molecules with only 2 atoms (KCl, HCl): side vert (vertical) Unique adsorption sites for molecular adsorbates were visually determined based upon the location of a single atom from the z-axis view of the CONTCAR file. Note that the molecule may not have necessarily formed a bond through these atoms, and they were merely chosen for identification purposes. COS: defined according to C-atom location. On Al2O3(0001), rTiO2(110), ZnO(1010), ZnO(1120), and ZrO2(111), defined according to O-atom location. HCN: defined according to C-atom location. On ZnO(1120), defined according to N-atom location. KCl: defined according to K-atom location. K2O: defined according to O-atom location. HCl: defined according to Cl-atom location. H2S: defined according to S-atom location. NH3: defined according to N-atom location.