1. The dateset contains simulation results for Al-Cu and Si-As alloys, stored in a folder named for the same alloy type. 2. Under the sub-folder, "CET" stands for simulation of columnar to equiaxial crystal transition, "directional_solidification" stands for simulation of directional solidification, and "remelt_resolidificaiton" stands for simulation results of particle melting and resolidification. 3. Under the sub-sub-folder, each example includes simulations of three conditions, where "equ" stands for equilibrium solidification, "nodrag" stands for non-equilibrium solidification with solute trapping effect, and "fulldrag" stands for non-equilibrium solidification with solute trapping and solute drag effects. 4. Under the "Directional_solidification" folder, "vp=2e-1-tg=3.0e5" stands for the pull velocity equaling to 2*10^{-1} m/s and the temperature gradient is 3*10^{5} K/m. 5. The vtk files can be opened by software "paraview", which can be download from https://www.paraview.org.