This is a collection of input files, output files, and scripts, which were used to produce all the results presented and discussed in the following publication: "Spin-dependent interactions in orbital-density-dependent functionals: non-collinear Koopmans spectral functionals" Antimo Marrazzo, and Nicola Colonna Calculations were performed using Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) v7.1 and v7.3 and Wannier90 v3.1.0 The following codes of Quantum ESPRESSO were used: pw.x - used to compute the density-functional theory (DFT) ground state pw2wannier90 - used to interface QE to Wannier90 opengreid.x - used to unfold wfc from the Irreducible Brillouin zone to the full BZ (needed for Hybrid functional band structure) bands.x - used to generate data file suitable for plotting kcw.x - used to compute the Koopmans band structures merge_wann.x - tool to merge separate wannierization files into a unique block-diagonal representation wannier90.x - used to calculate maximally localized Wannier functions and to perform band structure interpolation CONTENT OF FOLDERS: SYSTEM = (GaAs, WSe2, CsPbBr3, CrI3) │ ├── HSE (all SYSTEMs but GaAs) │   └── CALCULATION = (noSOC, SOC) │   ├── Submission script │   ├──, pwscf.out Input/output self-consistent field calculation │      └── wannier (only for WSe2 and CrI3) │      ├── Submission script │      ├── Submission script │      ├──, opengrid.out Input/output wavefunctions unfolding │      ├── pw2wan.p2wo, pw2wan.p2wi Input/output pw2w90 interface │      ├── wann_band.dat Wannier interpolated band structure │      ├── wann_band.gnu Script to plot the Wannier interpolated band structure │      └──, wann.wout Input/output of the Wannierization └── KCW ├── CALCULATION = (SOC, noSOC) │   ├── 0_dft │   │   ├── bands.gnu Band structure in a format readable by gnuplot │   │   ├──, bands.out Input/output of bands.x │   │   ├── Submission script │   │   ├──, pwbands.out Input/output band structure calculations │   │   └──, pwscf.out Input/output self-consistent field calculation │   │   │   ├── 1_wannier │   │   ├── emp │   │   │   ├── Submission script │   │   │   ├── pw2wan.p2wi, pw2wan.p2wo Input/output pw2w90 interface │   │   │   ├── wann_band.dat Wannier interpolated band structure │   │   │   ├── wann_band.gnu Script to plot the Wannier interpolated band structure │   │   │   ├──, wann.wout Input/output of the Wannierization │   │   │   ├── Wannier centres │   │   │   ├── wann_u_dis.mat Wannier disentangle U matix │   │   │   └── wann_u.mat Wannier U matrix │   │   │     │   │   ├── occ │   │   │   ├── BLOCK = (block_1, block_2, ... ) │   │   │   │   ├── Submission script │   │   │   │   ├── pw2wan.p2wi, pw2wan.p2wo Input/output pw2w90 interface │   │   │   │   ├── wann_band.dat Wannier interpolated band structure │   │   │   │   ├── wann_band.gnu Script to plot the Wannier interpolated band structure │   │   │   │   └──, wann.wout Input/output of the Wannierization │   │   │   │  │   │   │   ├── Submission script for merge_wann.x │   │   │   ├── plot_bands.gnu gnuplot script to check Wannier interpolation vs ab-initio DFT bands │   │   │   ├── merged wannier centres (outcome of merge_wann.x) │   │   │   └── wann_u.mat merged U matrix (outcome of merge_wann.x) │   │   │     │   │   ├── Submission script for the SCF and NSCF DFT calculation │   │   ├── Submission script for the wannier to kcw interface │   │   ├── kc.w2ki, kc.w2ko Input/output kcw.x (calculation = wann2kcw) │   │   ├── Script to link U matrices and centers in occ and emp folders │   │   ├── plot_bands.gnu gnuplot script to check Wannier interpolation vs ab-initio DFT bands │   │   ├──, pwnscf.out Input/output non self-consistent field calculation │   │   └──, pwscf.out Input/output self-consistent field calculation │   │   │   ├── 2_screening │   │   ├── Submission script │   │   └── kc.ksi, kc.kso Input/output kcw.x (calculation = screening) │   │   │   ├── 3_hamiltonian_HOW (HOW = beyond2nd || beyond2nd_full || onsite-noalphacorr) │   │   ├── Submission script │   │   ├── kc.khi, kc.kho Input/output kcw.x (calculation = hamiltonian) │   │   ├── file_alpharef.txt IF PRESENT, contains screening coefficients to be read by kcw.x │   │   ├── .kcw_bands.dat KI band structure (outcome of kcw.x) │   │   ├── .kcw_hr.dat KI Hamiltonian in Real space (outcome of kcw.x) │   │   ├── .kcw_hr_emp.dat KI Hamiltonian in Real space for empty orbitals only (outcome of kcw.x) │   │   └── .kcw_hr_occ.dat KI Hamiltonian in Real space for occupied orbitals only (outcome of kcw.x) │   │   │   └── 4_postproc │   ├── Submission script │   ├── pw2wan.p2wi, pw2wan.p2wo Input/output pw2w90 interface │   ├── wann_band.dat Wannier interpolated band structure │   ├── wann_band.gnu Script to plot the Wannier interpolated band structure │   └──, wann.wout Input/output of the Wannierization │   ├── alpha_soc-vs-nosoc.dat Screening coefficients with and without SOC (raw data) ├── ki_bands.png Plot of the KI band structure with and without SOC ├── alpha.png Plot of the screening coefficients with and without SOC ├── plot_alphas.gnu gnuplot script to generate alpha.png (produced by ├── bash script to parse and plot screening coefficients with and without SOC └── plot_bands_son-vs_nosoc.gnu gnuplot script to plot KI band structure with and without SOC Pseudo └── FUNCTIONAL = (LDA, PBE, PBE_stringent)    ├── XXX_r.upf Fully-relativistic pseudopotentials    └── YYY.upf Scalar-relativistic pseudopotentials