Ground_state_spin_dataset/ Contains .xyz files of the mono-metallic complexes with Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, or Ni center. This dataset was discussed in the manuscript. Supplementary_dataset/ Contains .xyz files of the complexes with haptic ligands (873 complexes) and coordination complexes with other 3d, 4d, or 5d metal center (977 complexes). This dataset was discussed in the Suppoting Information. Total molecular charge and ground state spin multiplicity are placed in the second line of each .xyz file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- refcode_2032.txt contains CSD refcodes of the complexes in a directory "Ground_state_spin_dataset" refcode_1850.txt contains CSD refcodes of the complexes in a directory "Supplementary_dataset" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property_2032.txt contains below infomation of each complex refcode : refcode in CSD metal : metal center total_charge : total molecular charge spin_multiplicity : spin multiplicity (1 = singlet) in the ground state elem_nr : metal atomic number m_ox : metal oxidation state d_elec : number of d electrons in metal center CN : coordination number geometry : coordination geometry rel_m : relative metal radius