AiiDA export files of DFT calculations of Mo_0.91 W_0.09 Te_2 The dataset collects the calculations presented in the paper "Doping-Induced Electronic and Structural Phase Transition in the Bulk Weyl semimetal Mo1-xWxTe2". The following list connects the calculation uuids to the data presented in the mauscript. Description : uuid - DOS 100K structure (Td) : 3682f1b4-39f5-45bf-be63-1728da5c1339 - DOS 300K structure (1T') : dbf776d6-93bc-42ac-bba7-9c417cf255d5 - bandstructure (Td), Gamma->X : 6b142cd3-8c73-48d7-9e3e-fe0fce0b703b - bandstructure (Td), Gamma->Y : 47c0b084-e58a-47c4-9f91-788f2bfebfaf - bandstructure (1T'), Gamma->X : 7790862b-1f16-4013-9a54-ff904c0400c7 - bandstructure (1T'), Gamma->Y : fa5dbf1d-00cd-4265-a439-cd04914cd26b