Input and output files, and scripts used to produce the data and the Figures reported in: "Koopmans spectral functionals: an open-source periodic-boundary implementation." Nicola Colonna, Riccarod de Gennaro, Edward Linscott, and Nicola Marzari Calculation were performed using the QUANTUM ESPRESSO (QE) distribution (Version 6.6.0). CODES needed to reproduce the data: pw.x - self-consistent-field (SCF) and non-SCF calculation using density-functional theory (DFT). bands.x - post processing for band strucure plot ph.x - self-consistent-field calculation using density-functional perturbation theory (DFPT) wannier90.x - code for the Wannierization (wannier90) wann_to_kc.x - interface between wannier90 and KC codes kc_screen.x - code to compute Koopmans screening coefficients kc_ham.x - code to compute/interpolate and interpolate the KC hamiltonian CONTENT OF THE FOLDER: |** SYSTEM=(GaAs LiF ZnO) | |** LDA | | |-, pw_scf.out - input/output pw.x (SCF) | | |-, pw_bands.out - input/output pw.x (BANDS) | | |-, bands.out - input/output bands.x | | |- bands.dat.gnu - output of bands.x containing the LDA band structure | | | |** HSE | | |-, pw_scf.out - input/output pw.x | | |-, open_grid.out - input/output open_grid.x | | |-, pw2wann.out - input/output pw2wannier90.x | | |-, wann.wout - input/output wannier90 | | |- wann_band.dat - output of wannier90 containing the HSE band structure | | | |** EPS | | |-, pw_scf.out - input/output pw.x | | |-, ph_scf.out - input/output ph.x | | | |** KCWANN [(1) compute wannier function, (2) compute screening parameters, and (3) compute, interpolate, and diagonalization the KI Hamiltonian] | | |** wann (1) | | | |-, pw_scf.out - input/output pw.x (SCF) | | | |-, pw_nscf.out - input/output pw.x (NSCF) | | | |- wann*.win, wann*.wout - input/output wannier90.x (Occupied/Empty states) | | | |- *, *.pw2wann.out - input/putput pw2wannier90.x | | | |- wann*_band.dat - output of wannier90 containing the interpolated LDA band structure | | | |- wann_*u*.mat - output of wannier90 containing the unitary matrices defining the wannier functions. | | | | | |** screen (2) | | | |** orb* | | | | |-, wann2kc.out - input/output wann_to_kc.x | | | | |-, kc_screen.out - input/output kc_screen.x | | | | |- wann*_u_*.mat - output of previous wannier90 calculation (1) containing the unitary matrices defining the wannier functions | | | | | |** hamlt (3) | | | |- file_alpharef.txt - output of prevous screen calculation containing screening coefficients | | | |- wann*_u_*.mat - output of previous wannier90 calculation (1) containing the unitary matrices defining the wannier functions | | | |-, wann2kc.out - input/output of wann_to_kc.x | | | |- kc_ham.out - input/output of kc_ham.x | | | |- aiida.kc_bands.dat - output of kc_ham.x containing the (interpolated) KI band structure | | | |- aiida.kc_hr.dat - output of kc_ham.x containing the KI Hamiltonian in R-space (for further PostProc) | | | |** PLOT | | |- plot_bands_(LDA/HSE/KI).gnu - gnuplot script to generate the band structure plots | | |- SYSTEM_(lda/hse/ki).png - output of plot_bands_(LDA/HSE/KI).gnu. Band structure plots | |** pseudo | |- *.upf - LDA pseudopotentials (from DOJO library) | |** validation | |- dos_*.png - Plot of the DOS used for Figure 2. | |- dos_si-gaas.odp - libreoffice slide used to generate dos_si-gaas.png | |** SYSTEM = (GaAs, LiF) - Folder with additional data and figure reported in the SI of |